Project Need
Need For Project:
Vernal, Utah is a rapidly growing rural community and is in need of a locally based community fishing pond and nature area. Kids in Vernal have very limited "kid/teen" based activities and this type of project would be an excellent way to get kids, teens and elderly involved in outdoor fishing activities. This community fishery would also be a place where the UDWR could hold events such as fishing clinics, fishing classes and other fishing education related activities. Currently in the works is a land donation near the mouth of Dry Fork Canyon which would allow the UDWR to construct 2 ponds for a total of 2.11 surface acres with an additional 2 acres of trails, parking area and access road. The total land donation will be approximately 15 acres which will include a wetland mitigation section.
1) Obtain needed 404 permit (Hire engineering firm)
2) Acquire lands and switch from private to UDWR lands
3) Engineer and Design layout for ponds, trails and parking area
4) Gain partners to help in multiple ways with this project
5) Obtain funding for construction of ponds, trails, parking areas, bathroom facilities, fencing, landscaping, bridges, vegetation plantings, seedings, wetlands enhancement needs, water connection to upper canal and educational kiosks for cultural and wetlands education.
6) Once complete, include in our WMA system and create a long term management plan in cooperation with the county and other able entities.
7) Open to the public for our community to enjoy for many years to come!
Project Location/Timing Justification (Why Here? Why Now?):
This land will only be donated to the UDWR if a community fishing pond is constructed on the site, therefore this project is critical to the acquisition of the land. Land value at this location is near $27,500.00 per acre.
Relation To Management Plan:
Direct relation to the Sportfish Restoration Act and our regional Sportfish management goals of constructing a community fishing pond. Our region does not currently have a community fishing pond and would greatly benefit from such a place. Each region has been working towards the development of a community based fishing area and this will directly relate to our goals and management objectives of recruiting new angers of all ages.
We will add this project to the WAP management list and look to enhance habitat for multiple species on that list.
Fire / Fuels:
Water Quality/Quantity:
With the creation of the ponds and protection/enhancement of the 10.16 acres of wetlands we will enhance the water quantity to the upper end of the property. A lateral line from the canal will allow us the opportunity to deliver water to the upper end of the property as needed to enhance water quality within the ponds and wetlands mitigation area.
1) ACOE 404 permit to be completed in January 2017
2) Wetlands Mitigation Plan associated with the 404 permit
3) SHIPO and UDWR ARCH compliance needed during construction phase
4) Airport FAA Clarence
Same as objectives:
1) Obtain needed 404 permit (Hire engineering firm)
2) Acquire lands and switch from private to UDWR lands
3) Engineer and Design layout for ponds, trails and parking area
4) Gain partners to help in multiple ways with this project
5) Obtain funding for construction of ponds, trails, parking areas, bathroom facilities, fencing, landscaping, bridges, vegetation plantings, seedings, wetlands enhancement needs, water connection to upper canal and educational kiosks for cultural and wetlands education.
6) Once complete, include in our WMA system and create a long term management plan in cooperation with the county and other able entities.
7) Open to the public for our community to enjoy for many years to come!
1)Wetland mitigation monitoring for 3 years (photo-points, vegetation monitoring)
2)Fisheries monitoring and surveys
3)Creel surveys and angler satisfaction surveys
Uintah Water Conservancy District
Uintah County
Troy and Annette Meier
Future Management:
Once this pond is constructed we will evaluate for fish species stocking and once stocked we will monitor species survival and harvest. We will include this pond on the creel survey rotation to get an idea of angler hours, harvest and other important statistics.
A management plan will be written for these ponds and will include the WMA management and the wetlands management for the full 15 acre parcel
Sustainable Uses of Natural Resources:
Wetlands benefit by fencing out cattle and taking this parcel out of grazing.