Project Need
Need For Project:
The Scott Matheson Wetland Preserve has the potential to benefit several native sensitive and endangered fish that require nursery habitat for their young of year. These native larvae fish species require habitat consisting of backwater or flooded wetlands providing needed protection from fish predation.
Razorback Sucker
The razorback sucker is a fish endemic to the Colorado River basin and protected under the Endangered Species Act. Once found throughout the warm water reaches of the basin, the razorback sucker's basin-wide decline is believed to be a result of myriad anthropogenic habitat alterations and negative interactions with introduced fishes (USFWS 2002).
Razorback sucker spawning occurs as spring runoff increases river discharge. Upon hatching from eggs deposited in river substrate, larvae drift with the river current into flooded off-channel nursery habitats (Modde et al. 2001). Although spawning by stocked razorback sucker is evident from detection of larvae in and near the Scott Matheson Preserve (Julie Howard, UDWR -- pers. comm.) and of ripe individuals in upstream reaches (Osmundson and Seal 2009), natural recruitment necessary for self-sustaining wild populations is lacking, and populations in the upper Colorado River continue to require maintenance via stocking of adult fish.
Valdez and Nelson (2006) identified the 64 miles of Colorado River between Moab and the confluence with the Green River as a priority reach for recovery of razorback sucker. The Preserve is the only site within this reach capable of providing suitable nursery habitat as identified in recovery goals. However, its current value to razorback recovery is likely impaired by 1) abundance of non-native fishes and 2) reduced frequency and duration of flood events (Collins 1994; Cooper and Severn 1994a; USFWS 2002).
Competition and predation by non-native fishes is linked to reduced survival and growth rates of stocked razorback sucker larvae in wetlands, potentially resulting in total mortality (Modde and Haines 2005; Webber 2009). However, experimental survival rates of razorback sucker larvae in 'reset' floodplains (i.e. those free of non-native fishes at entrainment) are thought adequate to sustain populations (Modde and Haines 2005), and age-zero razorback sucker in floodplain environments outgrow predation risk from non-native fish spawned in the same year (Christopherson et al 2004). Thus, a combination of 'reset' conditions and exclusion of all but larval non-native fishes during inundation should contribute to optimal razorback sucker survival.
The Preserve is periodically flooded by the Colorado River, but the flooding frequency and duration have both declined since 1959 when dams were constructed on the Upper Colorado River (Collins 1994). Discrete portions of the Preserve such as the Central Pond achieve connection through gated canals during yearly high flow events. (Daniel Eddington UDWR -- pers. comm.).
In light of the recently documented presence of wild razorback sucker larvae at the mouth of the Central Pond inlet, we propose to 1) modify the Central Pond to achieve inundation in three of every five years, 2) drain the Central Pond completely to achieve 'reset' conditions, 3) concurrently integrate a redundant fish exclusion apparatus, and 4) improved the headgate for water level management. We believe that management of the Central Pond with this suite of features can contribute significantly to the recovery of razorback sucker and other native fish that require back water channels for nursery habitat such as the Bonytail chub (Gila elegans), Bluehead sucker (Catostomus discobolus), Flannelmouth sucker (Catostomus latipinnis).
We anticipate the project to provide a functional, floodplain wetland that will offer razorback sucker suitable nursery habitat, as well as offering other ecological benefits to the Matheson Preserve. Once implemented, this project will provide wetland habitat for endangered fish use during spring flooding. It is anticipated that entraining razorback sucker larvae in the wetland it will increase their chances to survive and grow in a protected environment. Once released back into the mainstem of the Colorado River, they will be of sufficient size to survive overwintering in the Colorado River.
A multitude of other wildlife species will benefit from increasing the frequency and duration the wetland is flooded. These include:
Amphibians - A large population of native northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) are present in the wetlands of the Preserve. Concentrations of leopard frogs occur in certain areas of the Preserve where water is fairly stable throughout the summer. Preferred habitat is found in areas with water up to one foot deep with grassy wet meadows nearby. Northern leopard frogs are listed as sensitive by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (Collins 1994).
Birds - There are a variety of bird species that use the Preserve. Over 165 species have been recorded over the years. A great blue heron (Ardea herodias) rookery has been active for several years and will benefit from increase ponds and wetland areas. They may also pose a threat to survival of young razorback suckers if flooded areas are not deep enough. The ponds will be graduated from 1-3 feet to help reduce this threat. Several other wading birds will benefit from the flooded wetland such as sandhill cranes, American avocet, American Bittern, and egrets.
Southwestern Willow flycatcher would potential use the wetland primarily as breeding habitat in May and June. Breeding habitat requires dense tree/shrub cover greater than 3m tall, dense twig structure, and high levels of green foliage. All habitat types can be found on the wetland and with the additional year round water will diversify wetland vegetation.
Yellow-billed cuckoo is a federally listed species. This species inhabits dense lowland riparian habitat (regenerating canopy trees, willows, or other riparian shrubs) for nesting within 100 m of water (Parrish and Norvell 1999). The additional flooded wetlands will provide more water in the wetland during the breeding/nesting periods in June and July.
The majority of waterfowl use the Preserve seasonally as they migrate in the Spring and Fall. The ponds will have several depths ranging from 1-foot to greater than 3-feet in depth. This will be beneficial for growing aquatic vegetation that will provide food when waterfowl are migrating.
Wild Turkey - Rio Grande turkey populations are active on the preserve. They typically inhabit the riparian areas with cottonwood overstory.
Literature Cited:
Christopherson K.D., G.J. Birchell, and T. Modde. 2004. Larval Razorback Sucker And Bonytail Survival And Growth in the Presence of Nonnative Fish in the Stirrup Floodplain. Final Report of Utah Division of Wildlife Resources to Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Denver, Colorado.
Collins, K.P. and D.K. Shiozawa. 1994. The effects of fish predation on backwater invertebrate communities of the Green River, Utah. Final Report to: Colorado River Fishery Project, U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Vernal, Utah. 24 pp.
Collins, K. 1994. Conceptual management plan for habitat enhancement in flooded bottomlands: Scott M. Matheson wetland preserve, Moab, Utah. Recovery implementation program for endangered fish species in the Upper Colorado River Basin. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 6, Denver, Colorado.
Cooper, D.J. and C. Severn. 1994a. Ecological characteristics of wetlands at the Moab Slough, Moab, Utah. Recovery Implementation Program, Upper Colorado River Basin. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver, Colorado. 121 pp.
Modde, T. and G.B. Haines. 2005. Survival and growth of stocked razorback sucker and bonytail in multiple floodplain wetlands of the middle Green River under reset conditions. Final Report of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Denver, Colorado.
Modde, T., R. T. Muth, and G. B. Haines. 2001. Floodplain wetland suitability, access and potential use by juvenile razorback sucker in the middle Green River, Utah. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130:1095--1105.
Osmundson, D. B., and S.C. Seal. 2009. Successful spawning by stocked razorback sucker in the Gunnison and Colorado rivers, as evidenced by larval fish collections, 2002-2007. Final Report. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Grand Junction, Colorado.
Parrish, J. R., F. P. Howe, and R. E. Norvell. 1999. Utah Partners in Flight draft conservation strategy. UDWR publication number 99-40. Utah Partners in Flight Program, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Salt Lake City.
Valdez, R.A. and P. Nelson. 2006. Upper Colorado River Subbasin Floodplain Management Plan. Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Project Number C-6, Denver, CO.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1998. Razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus) Recovery Plan. Denver, Colorado. 81 pp.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2002a. Recovery goals for the razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus) of the Colorado River Basin: an amendment and supplement to the razorback sucker recovery plan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Mountain-Prairie Region (6), Denver, Colorado.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2002b. Recovery goals for the bonytail (Gila elegans) of the Colorado River Basin: an amendment and supplement to the bonytail chub recovery plan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Mountain-Prairie Region (6), Denver, Colorado.
1. Increase recruitment of wild native fish (Razorback Sucker, Bonytail chub, Bluehead sucker, Flannelmouth sucker) in the Colorado River via improvements to and management of existing nursery habitat at the Central Pond within the Wetland.
a. Entrain wild native fish larvae in the Central Pond during spring flows.
b. Objective B) Exclude large-bodied non-native fishes during entrainment.
c. Objective C) Monitor fish community and water quality parameters throughout entrainment.
d. Objective D) Collect and count wild native fish recruits and release them to the Colorado River.
2. Increase native wetland and riparian grass, forb, shrub, and tree species by increasing water availability and flood frequency (3 out of 5 years) in the Preserve.
3. Reduce bulrush cover and lower the risk of West Nile Virus by increasing the water volume and depths in the Preserve.
4. Increase migratory waterfowl feeding and resting areas.
Project Location/Timing Justification (Why Here? Why Now?):
Project uncertainties include the magnitude of spring flooding, which may result in low water levels in the wetland. Because the upper Colorado River is a relatively natural system, spring flows are unpredictable and uncontrollable. Based on the current flow regime, our goal is to have sufficient mainstem flow to allow inundation and larval entrainment in three out of every five years.
If the project is not completed, the only suitable spawning habitat for 64 miles from Moab to the Green River confluence may only be created 1 out of 10 years. During that 1 in 10 years, predatory fish are likely to be entrained in the central pond as well. Altering the up stream dams is very unlikely to create a higher flood frequency. Altering the central pond diversion to allow flooding every 3 out of 5 years and excluding predatory fish may provide natural recruitment to the population. Delaying only continues to add stresses to these threatened populations.
Relation To Management Plan:
1. Scott M. Matheson Wetlands Preserve Wildfire Response Plan
Objective #3 Define and maintain sufficient water quality that supports existing valuable
wetland habitat and, if necessary, restore or improve water quality to enhance habitat.
Objective #4 Restore native vegetation communities to enhance wetland structure and
wildlife habitat and help to control or eradicate exotic species.
2. North American Waterfowl Management Plan 2012
Goal 1. Abundant and resilient waterfowl populations to support hunting and other uses
without imperiling habitat.
Goal 2: Wetlands and related habitats sufficient to sustain waterfowl populations at desired
levels, while providing places to recreate and ecological services that benefit society.
3. A Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan for the Moab Area 2014.
A. Support projects that alleviate the possibilities of catastrophic wild fire.
B. Support projects and land uses that protect the riparian corridors and stream ecology.
C. Support projects, land uses, and water allocation policy that protect wetlands.
4. UDWR. 2006. Range-wide Conservation Agreement and Strategy for Roundtail Chub (Gila
robusta), Bluehead Sucker (Catostomus discobolus), and Flannelmouth Sucker
(Catostomus latipinnis).
6) Enhance and maintain habitat for roundtail chub, bluehead sucker, and flannelmouth
A. Provide flows needed for all life stages of the subject species.
B. Restore altered channel and habitat features to conditions suitable for the three
5) Wildlife Action Plan 2015
A) Big Free-tailed bat (Nyctinomops macrotis) - The species often roosts and forms maternity colonies in massive sandstone cliffs near bodies of open water in a variety of habitats. It is presumed that big free-tailed bats migrate out of Utah for the winter.
B) Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax trailii extimus) - Populations declining due
to altered water regimes, invasive plants, improper riparian grazing, development and nest parasitism. Manage and restore lowland riparian for suitable habitat.
C) Northern Leopard Frog (Lithobates pipiens) - Habitat restoration in wetlands and along riparian corridors.
6) Management Plan of the Pacific and Central Flyways for the Rocky Mountain Population of Greater Sandhill Cranes 2007
Objective B. Maintain and protect suitable habitats in sufficient quantity and quality to
support population objectives and spatial distribution, while encouraging population
expansion where desirable.
7) Utah's Freshwater Conservation Plan
Objective: Conserve habitats or species by influencing management/use of lands and waters
8. Razorback Sucker Recovery Plan
5.2 Site-Specific Management Actions and Tasks by Recovery Factor
5.2.1 Upper basin recovery unit Factor A.--Adequate habitat and range for recovered populations provided
Management Action A-5.--Provide floodplain habitats for all life stages of razorback sucker, particularly to serve as nursery areas for larvae and juveniles.
Task A-5.1.--Identify appropriate bottomland sites and assess opportunities for
land acquisition or easements.
Task A-5.2.--Acquire or procure easements (as determined under Task A-5.1) for
bottomland sites where determined necessary and feasible. Factor C.--Adequate protection from diseases and predation
Management Action C-3.--Control problematic nonnative fishes as needed.
Task C-3.1.--Develop control programs for small-bodied nonnative fishes (e.g., cyprinids and centrarchids) in backwater and flooded off-channel nursery habitats in river reaches occupied by young razorback sucker to identify the levels of control that will minimize predation (see sections 4.3.2 and A.8 for discussion of effects of nonnative fishes).
Task C-3.2.--Implement identified levels (as determined under Task C-3.1) of
nonnative fish control in backwater and flooded off-channel nursery habitats in
river reaches occupied by young razorback sucker.
9. Recovery Implementation Program Recovery Action Plan
II.A Restore flooded bottomland habitats.
II.A.1. Conduct inventory of flooded bottomlands habitat for potential restoration.
III.A Reduce negative interactions between nonnative and endangered fishes.
V. Monitor populations and habitat and conduct research to support recovery actions (research, monitoring, and data management).
II.A. Restore and manage flooded bottomland habitat
II.A.5. Acquire interest in high-priority flooded bottomland habitats
III. Reduce negative impacts of nonnative fishes and sportfish management activities (nonnative and sportfish management)
III. A. Develop and implement control programs in reaches of the Colorado River occupied by endangered fishes.
V.A. Conduct research to acquire life history information and enhance scientific techniques required to complete recovery actions
10. Upper Colorado River Subbasin Floodplain Management Plan
1.2 Goals and Objectives
Goal: provide adequate floodplain habitats for all life stages of razorback sucker in the Upper Colorado and Gunnison rivers for establishment and maintenance of a self-sustaining population, particularly to serve as nursery areas for larvae and juveniles.
1.2.1. Inventory floodplain habitats;
1.2.2. Identify floodplains necessary for life stages of razorback sucker;
1.2.3. Restore and manage strategic floodplains to benefit razorback sucker; and
1.2.4. Evaluate effectiveness of floodplain restoration.
6.2 Management Plan Strategies:
6.2.2. Mechanically reconfigure floodplain sites downstream of identified spawning sites to provide suitable flooding and entrainment of larval razorback sucker.
6.2.3. Assist establishment of wild populations of razorback sucker and bonytail through release of hatchery-reared fish.
6.2.4. Continue to investigate and implement best management strategies to reduce detrimental effects of nonnative fish in floodplain habitats.
6.2.5. Insure suitable instream flows to inundate key floodplain sites on a timely
11. Conceptual Management Plan for Razorback Sucker: Habitat Enhancement in Flooded Bottomlands
I. C. Goals:
1. Enhance all values of the flooded bottomland habitat within the Preserve in order
to aid the recovery of threatened and endangered fish species. The Preserve
should be able to function as naturally as possible in the Colorado River
2. Augment populations by enhancing the survival of early life stages.
3. Provide essential habitat for the natural recruitment and survival of the Upper basin razorback sucker population
4. Determine how best to manage essential habitat for optimum natural production of razorback sucker.
IV.A. Phase 1.
1. Characterize the fish community in the wetlands
2. Refurbish the wetland outlet structure
IV.A. Phase 3. Re-establish the historic flooding regime by increasing communication between the Preserve and the Colorado River.
2. Design a water delivery system for the Preserve
b. Deliver flows to wetlands via a system of inlet and outlet structures and
d. Create wetlands that could be drained to remove predators, but which would
also flood during high water.
Fire / Fuels:
Desert riparian communities in southern Utah are fire-adapted systems. Prior to 1900, riparian areas experienced low-intensity fires at a rate of 2-5 per century. These fires were highly variable and depended upon site-specific fuels and conditions. Wildfires in riparian communities were presumably uncommon due to the high moisture content of the riparian soils and vegetation, and the low frequency of lightning strikes in low-lying drainages and valley bottoms. These infrequent fires often burned in a mosaic pattern leaving much of the vegetation and soil only lightly disturbed, and helped maintain a diversity of plant species. Dominant members of the Populus and Salix genera respond to low-intensity fires by either root sprouting or survival through older individuals.
The suppression of naturally occurring fires, the altered hydrologic regime of the Colorado River and an increase of exotic/invasive plant species in riparian communities has resulted in an increased fuel loading within riparian zones. As a result, there has been an increase in both fire frequency (5-10 per century) and intensity in many riparian areas throughout the Southwest - much to the detriment of the native plant community which can not survive the high-intensity fires.
Compounding the threat of wildfire to riparian communities in the Matheson Preserve, is the close proximity of residential and commercial properties to the preserve, and the potential impacts of a wildfire on human safety, air quality, commercial activities, highway or road closures, and loss of private property.
The primary Fuel Type within the Matheson Preserve is Fuel Model 3, Tall Grass, and the secondary fuel type is Fuel Model 4, Brush. Mosaics of vegetation exist in the preserve depending upon the presence of surface or subsurface water.
Previous work in the wetlands has removed many of the exotic/invasive tree species (salt cedar and Russian Olive). By improving the surface water management, riparian soils will begin to have higher moisture content and riparian vegetation will be maintained reducing the risk of wildfires.
Infrastructure that could be threatened by a wildfire include: boardwalks, wildlife viewing platforms, historic cabin, sub-surface gas line, several different power lines, and neighboring private and commercial homes/lands in the city of Moab.
Water Quality/Quantity:
Ground and surface water quality varies within the Preserve. Generally, the wetlands in the central and southern portions of the Preserve are of good quality. Some metals are found in
the northern and eastern portion of the Preserve and a large plume of sodium chloride occurs in the northern portion of the Preserve (Cooper and Severn 1994a).
Water quality in the central pond will be monitored periodically once larval fish are entrained into the central pond so they can be returned to the river before water quality becomes unsuitable (see Monitoring). Data collected will include: dissolved oxygen, temperature, Ph, Electrical conductivity (e/c), and dissolved solids.
Yearly high flows occur in May and June. Low flows occur in winter. Flow records for the Colorado River show a distinct pattern of cycles in flooding frequency and duration. These records also indicate a reduction of flood frequency and duration since 1959, when dams were
constructed on the Upper Colorado River. The Preserve is currently flooded less frequently and for a shorter duration than before 1959. River overbank flows occur at 40,000 cfs. Before 1959, overbank flows occurred approximately once every two years. After 1959, overbank flows have occurred approximately once every decade. Cooper determined (1994) that only extremely high snow packs in the head waters, coupled with warm springs, allow flooding of the Preserve.
The proposed project will increase water quantity by utilizing a water control structure to increase the flood frequency of the wetland. The goal is to increase flood frequency to every 3 out of 5 years compared to decadal flood frequency.
1. Arch clearance will be completed.
2. NEPA not applicable for state and private lands.
3. State Stream Alteration Permit for river diversion, Mill Creek Diversion and backwater
channel and control structure work. Will be initiated Spring 2017.
4. US Army Corps of Engineers Individual Permit for the impacts to wetlands and streams for
the final selected project. A Nationwide Permit may be available for wetland habitat
restoration work, but one that applies was not readily evident. Will be initiated Spring 2017.
5. Water Rights Point of Diversion Change Application. Will be initiated Spring 2017.
6. ESA Section 7 consultation will be initiated spring 2017.
The final engineering design plan will be completed from WRI# 3671 by January 2017. The plan will be attached in the Images/Document section once completed. The main component of Phase II will be implementing the design plan. The Design plan will include the following steps.
Backwater Channel and Control Structure:
The key element in natural razorback refugia from the river will be the backwater channel and larval fish passage. The location and elevation of this channel is critical to enable frequent yearly flooding into the wetland during runoff and also allow flushing of the pond system back into the river after the young razorback sucker have increased to the desired size. Based on preliminary evaluation, the backwater channel currently used to fill the central pond will be significantly enlarged and deepened to create the conditions needed for larval fish entrainment into the pond system. A control system will be designed near the river that will provide multiple functions. These functions include larval fish passage, water flow
control both in and out of the central pond, adult fish exclusion, debris removal and water storage control.
A fish trap at the outlet to allow all fish to be captured, sorted and the endangered fish tagged and counted will be constructed.
Central Pond:
The central pond will be the location for razorback rearing. The other ponds are too high in elevation to be practical. That would suggest keeping the central pond as large as possible. Some amount of excavation will be required to obtain a minimal depth and adequate size for rearing razorback fry. After initial filling by a flood event and entrainment of larval fish into the central pond, the downstream control gates will be closed. The upstream river diversion near the bridge will then be used to maintain the water level in the pond. The pond would be flushed when the fish reach the appropriate size by opening the downstream control gate and opening upstream control gates at one or both of the north central or south ponds. Maintaining the bottom elevation of the central pond above the river level during the release
period is needed to ensure complete system flushing.
North Central and South Ponds:
The primary purpose of these ponds will be water storage and control. Each pond will have a downstream control structure that will allow small or large amounts of flow into the central pond. It is anticipated that the North Central pond will be filled using the upstream river diversion and Watercress Spring water. Overflow water from the river and spring will pass through this pond before being allowed into the central pond for maintenance or flushing. The elevation of the north central pond will be a few feet higher than the central pond. A control structure will be included downstream of the north central pond to allow storage or bypass of this pond.
Mill Creek Diversion:
Though the river diversion will likely be able to supply sufficient water to the razorback refugia system, a secondary source of water provides many benefits. The existing water rights owned by DWR/TNC could potential be able to have a point of diversion added to this section of Mill Creek. The additional diversion could be beneficial if/when the river diversion is damaged or unusable. The Mill Creek diversion would likely be a radial gate diversion that ponds water upstream, but allows large runoff and flood overflow from Mill Creek back into the Colorado River. A pipeline or small canal would convey the water to the south pond. This diversion would also provide secondary benefits of preventing further channel degradation and creating additional water features in the area.
River Diversion:
Because of the flood berm constructed by the early farmers in the area, natural flooding of the wetlands is limited to large uncontrolled flood events. A diversion will be constructed as far upstream as possible to provide flexibility in how water is introduced throughout the refugia system. The diversion will be sized to allow flows in excess of DWR/TNC's water right, but with a control gate to limit flows. Additional features will include a fish barrier to keep predatory fish out of the system, a travelling screen to remove trash and debris from the system and a flow measuring device to allow monitoring of water right usage.
Water Conveyance from River to Pond System:
Review of available topography shows that a gravity system can be designed that can convey water from the proposed river diversion to the north central pond (see map). Piping this portion of the conveyance system will allow maximum control of the river water. Outlets on the pipeline can be provided in additional locations including at the pond system near the river.
Annual sampling will include two periods of larval light trapping. An initial period of light trap sampling will focus on the river-floodplain interface during the ascending limb of the hydrograph when razorback sucker spawning typically occurs (May-June). Larvae collected will be preserved and identified as quickly as possible by UDWR biologists.
Upon detection of razorback sucker larvae in samples from the river-floodplain interface, UDWR biologists will open the Central Pond's water control structure to begin filling with Colorado River water containing razorback sucker larvae. Concurrently, a second period of larval light trapping within the Central Pond will confirm and quantify entrainment of razorback sucker larvae. In order to inundate as much beneficial habitat as possible, filling will continue until river flows begin to decrease.
After filling, UDWR staff will shift focus to monitoring and maintaining water quality and quantity. To prevent large fish mortality events, temperature and dissolved oxygen of the water column will be monitored regularly at multiple locations within the pond. Additionally, UDWR biologists will continue to sample the post-larval fish community via a combination of seine, hoop and fyke nets.
When dissolved oxygen content within the Central Pond reaches a minimum threshold, draining of the Central Pond will begin. As water exits the pond, fish will be collected in the exit trap of the picket weir. UDWR biologists and technicians will collect and enumerate fish exiting the preserve. All native species will be weighed and measured. Random subsets of nonnative species (which we expect to be highly abundant) will also be weighed, measured and enumerated. Razorback suckers (and other endangered fish species) of adequate size will be marked prior to release with passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags. PIT tags provide unique individual identification and will allow recruits to be identified if collected during other projects.
Monitoring of long-term project success will focus on continued survival of juvenile razorback sucker reared in the Preserve. This survival may be demonstrated by detection of past cohorts returning to the Preserve as documented in Stewart Lake by Schelly and Breen (2015). Increased local or regional abundance of razorback sucker below standard stocking size may also indicate success. Multiple Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (UCREFRP) monitoring protocols are equipped to detect such trends via electrofishing (see Projects 127 & 128, attached) and seining of nursery habitat (see Projects 138 & 160, attached) in the vicinity of the Preserve. Results of these projects are made publicly available through annual reporting.
1. Utah Division of Wildlife Resources - Partial landowner with TNC. The Moab Native Aquatics Field Station and Southeastern Region Habitat Section have collaborated with TNC this past year to develop possible solutions the Scott Matheson Wetland which can benefit razorback suckers. The Moab Native Aquatics Field Station has reached out to the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (UCREFRP) for additional support.
2. The Nature Conservancy (TNC) - Partial landowner with UDWR. Facilitating/obtaining engineering services for project development. Providing granting writing, project oversight, and funding opportunities.
3. Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program (UCREFRP). UCREFRP studies and reports constitute much of the conceptual framework for this project. UCREFRP staff have provided expertise relevant to the project and expressed continuing interest in its success as related to recovery of the razorback sucker.
4. USFWS Partners Program has committed funding to develop this project.
5. Forestry, Fire, and State Lands (FFSL) manages sovereign lands along the Colorado River adjacent to the Scott Matheson Wetland and have been a partner in the planning effort. They are also seeking funding for the provide through their department.
6. Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) has been providing recommendations on process and design based on previous experience.
Future Management:
The Scott Matheson Wetland Preserve is managed by DWR and TNC as a Wildlife Management Area (WMA) since 1992. DWR and TNC will continue to manage this property for wetland ecosystem and wildlife habitat preservation and low impact recreation. This property is managed intensively and conservation values are the top priority.
Future management for razorback sucker entrainment will be adaptive in nature by annual analyses of monitoring data (see Monitoring). Annual reporting of management actions and results of analyses will be completed by UDWR biologists and shared with TNC and UCREFRP.
Management strategies may be adapted as deemed necessary by UDWR biologists using data collected in the project area, recent research and updates to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Recovery Goals for endangered fish species in the Colorado River Basin.
Sustainable Uses of Natural Resources:
The first settlement in the Moab area, known as the Elk Mountain Mission, brought grazing to the Moab Valley and to the wetland. In May of 1992, all domestic livestock grazing was discontinued within the Preserve.