Watts Mountain Pipeline Project
Project ID: 4334
Status: Completed
Fiscal Year: 2020
Submitted By: 60
Project Manager: Kendall Bagley
PM Agency: Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
PM Office: Southern Region
Lead: Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
WRI Region: Southern
Project will improve and replace existing pipeline associated with Butler Springs and Gardner Hollow Reservoir. Pipeline will consist of installing 61,700 feet of HDPE 2" SR 11 fuseable pipe along with the installation of 12 troughs and re-claying 6 ponds. Pipeline project is the second phase of the Watts Mountain Project that was completed in 2016.
Project location is located on the Pahvant Mountain Range on the south end of the mountain within the Big Bench and South Watts Mountain Allotment.
Project Need
Need For Project:
This pipeline project will be part of the Watts Mountain Wildlife Habitat Improvement Project WRI #4149 that was funded for FY19'. The need for this project is to continue to improve on an existing pipeline that is in need of maintenance, allowing for improved water flow to continue to new watering facilities that will be installed. This project has existing ponds and water troughs that are no longer serviceable, we need to set new water troughs and clean out and repair the existing ponds and re-clay them so the ability to hold water is there. All new pipeline will be installed, this will consist of 2" HDPE fuseable pipe that will be installed under ground. We will also be cleaning out and redoing a spring collection box to allow for additional water to be collected and put into the pipeline. At the Gardner Springs Reservoir we would like to install a solar pumping station where we will pump water with a submersible pump ran off solar panels. This project will be installed by the livestock permittee, as he has access to the ripper and the D-8 Cat and has installed several hundred miles of pipeline within his Private, BLM, Forest Service and State Land Grazing Allotments.
This project will provide additional water to the South Watts Mountain Allotment livestock grazing allotment along with providing year round water source for wildlife on the Pahvant Wildlife Management Unit. This project will partner with the UDWR, Pahvant Ensgin Ranches and Fillmore Forest Service to accomplish this task. Objective are to distribute additional water sources within the allotment allowing cattle to utilize the allotment more efficient. This will also allow additional water for wildlife to utilize during the year. 10 watering troughs to be replaced and 6 ponds will be re-clayed and cleaned out. In addition a new 2" HDPE pipeline will be installed to service the water to the troughs, this pipeline will be installed underground along a existing road or on top of the old pipeline.
Project Location/Timing Justification (Why Here? Why Now?):
Threats to this project will consist of additional loss of water that can be utilized in this area, allowing for no water to be stored for wildlife species and livestock grazing within the allotment. Increased maintenance on the watering facilities and pipelines by the grazing association, allowing for additional time and effort being lost due to maintenance issues, loss of forage value in specific areas of the allotment due to over grazing, not distributing the cattle effectively enough can increase noxious weed species due to over grazing in critical areas of the allotment. By implementing and installing this pipeline, improving water trough locations and cleaning out and re-claying the existing ponds, we can reduce the risk of overgrazing this allotment, improve water quality and quantity for wildlife and livestock for better rangeland health and overall management, improve distribution of livestock and wildlife with the south end of the Pahvant Mtn Range.
Relation To Management Plan:
The pinyon-juniper and big sagebrush areas lie within the Mountain Sagebrush Steppe Habitat type which is one of the key habitats identified in the 2015 WAP. The proposed projects will address some of the habitat management strategies outlined in the deer and elk management plans for herd unit 21B (Fillmore Pahvant Unit ) including: *Continue to improve and restore sagebrush steppe habitats critical to deer according to DWRs Habitat Initiative. *Maintain habitat quantity and quality at a level adequate to support the stated population objectives while at the same time not resulting in an overall downward trend in range condition and watershed quality. *Work cooperatively with land management agencies and private landowners to plan and implement improvement projects for the purpose of enhancing wildlife habitat and range resources in general. *The project also helps fulfill the state mule deer management plan section IV Habitat Goal: Conserve and improve mule deer habitat throughout the state with emphasis on crucial ranges. *The proposed projects will address the following goals and objectives of the Division of Wildlife Resources most recent strategic management plan: *Resource Goal: expand wildlife populations and conserve sensitive species by protecting and improving wildlife habitat. *Objective 1: protect existing wildlife habitat and improve 500,000 acres of critical habitats and watersheds throughout the state. *Objective 3: conserve sensitive species to prevent them from becoming listed as threatened or endangered. *Constituency Goal: Achieve broad-based support for Division programs and budgets by demonstrating the value of wildlife to all citizens of Utah. *Objective 2: improve communication with wildlife organizations, public officials, private landowners, and government agencies to obtain support for Division programs. *UDWR SR critical big game winter range are important browse communities that need to be enhanced and improved. The Division will employ a variety of methods to achieve this including prescribed grazing, prescribed burning, reseeding and seedling transplants, also mechanical treatments. Priority areas will include sagebrush-steppe and mountain browse communities. Falls within the rangeland focus area for WRI wildlife species for mule deer and elk. Utah Wildlife Action Plan, 2015 Publication Number 15-14, State of Utah, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife Resources, Effective 2015-2025 -- Promoting and funding restoration that reduces the uncharacteristic and surpluses of older age class, including: Dixie/chain harrow, brush mowing or other treatments that reduce the older age class and stimulate the younger/mid age classes; herbicide or mechanical treatments single tree mulching/cutting of invading conifer. Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Statewide Management Plan for Mule deer. Section IV Statewide management goals and objectives. This plan will address Habitat Objective 2: Improve the quality and quantity of vegetation for mule deer on a minimum of 500,000 acres of crucial range by 2013 (p11-12). Strategy C. Initiate broad scale vegetative treatment projects to improve mule deer habitat with emphasis on drought or fire damaged sagebrush winter ranges, ranges that are being taken over by invasive annual grass species, and ranges being diminished by encroachment of conifers into sagebrush or aspen habitats. Strategy f. Encourage land managers to manage portions of pinion-juniper woodlands and aspen/conifer forests in early successional stages. Fillmore Pahvant Deer Herd Management Plan Unit #21 (2015) - Habitat Management Objectives -- Encourage vegetation manipulation projects and seeding to increase the availability, abundance, and nutritional content of browse, grass, and forb species. Strategies: Habitat Protection, Improvement and Maintenance - Reduce expansion of Pinyon-Juniper woodlands into sagebrush habitats and improve habitats dominated by Pinyon-Juniper woodlands by completing habitat restoration projects like lop & scatter, bullhog and chaining projects; maintain summer fawning areas by increasing beneficial habitat work in summer and transitional habitat areas.(p3-4) *This plan is consistent with the Fishlake National Forest Plan for wildlife habitat enhancement and fuels management to improve habitat, reduce fuel loading, and protect against catastrophic wildfire. *Other project have been completed by the Forest Service and UDWR in past years within the Watts Mounatin HUC 12 area. *Project within the are also benefit the management plans objectives of the lower Sevier River Watershed, as this will reduced sediment run off and create a healthy rangeland communities. *Management Plans are also in conjunction with NRCS overall goals of healthy rangelands and communities, improving watersheds and reducing erosion and sediment. The Natural Resources Conservation Service provides leadership in a partnership effort to help people conserve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment *FFSL CWPP Process is a local Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) is a collaborative plan created by the fire department, state and local forestry, land managers, community leaders, and the public.The planning process maps values at risk, and requires actions to reduce risk, such as prescribed burning, fuel reduction, or other measures that adapt a community to better confront their wildfire threat. Area is also part of the Millard RWPP FFSL Plan which was implemented in 2014, there are Wildfire Codes and Ordinances associated with this plan. Project would also be relevant to NCS Goals and supported through the FS National Cohesive Strategies. CAT FIRE Objectives and Strategies: In 2013, the State of Utah developed the Catastrophic Wildfire Reduction Strategy (CAT FIRE) in response to the severe 2012 fire season. Reducing the catastrophic wildfire requires attention to three interdependent goals identified in the National Cohesive Wildfire Management Strategy -- Restore and Maintain Landscapes, Fire Adapted Communities, and Wildfire Response. These goals have been embraced throughout the development of the state's CAT FIRE strategy. Mitigation of hazardous fuels can change fire behavior making it easier to suppress. The effects of the mitigation, however, are not limited to life and property safety but will also affect forest health, water quality, vegetative species abundance, etc. As we continue to implement projects across the landscapes in Utah, the only way to truly be successful is to integrate existing programs, utilize local and federal partners and continue to educate the general public to create the desired shift towards more resilient communities and ecosystems. **I have uploaded two Forest Management Plans with regards to the stocking rate of cattle within the Grass Creek and Watts Mountain Allotment. This also involves grazing seasons and on off dates as well. Please see documents tab for this information. **I have also included information pertaining to the State of Utah Resource Management Plan, Mule Deer Management Plan for the Fillmore Pahvant, Utah Statewide Turkey Plan and the Sevier County Resource Management Plan located in the Documents Tab of this project.
Fire / Fuels:
Fire or fuels loading will not play a factor in this project due to the fact that the pipe will be installed under the surface. The chance a fire does go through this area may cause damage to the troughs. Fire could burn or damage the watering troughs or cause damage to the wood structures that will hold them in place, if this does occur the permittees and the Forest Service will work on replacing the troughs. Watering troughs will be made of galvanized metal and or tire troughs that may with stand the intense heat of a wild land fire in this area. The reduction of forage due to grazing efforts from Livestock will also reduce cheatgrass, and perennial grass species in the allotment that may carry a fire during certain times of year. By implementing this project this will allow cattle to disperse through the grazing alotments overall grazing will be better managed thoughout the season. Installing the additional water troughs and re-claying the existing ponds will spread out the cattle grazing and reduce congregation at the one water source that is present today. I have uploaded CATFIRE Report for this area, with the initial project that was completed in 2017, we have reduced some of the woody vegetation that can carry a fire, increase flame length and burn severity within the project location. No nearby structure would be in jeopardy of being burned in a wildfire, nearest structure would be over 5-7 miles to the northeast of the project. This area is critical to wildlife as it is fawning and calving summer range for mule deer and elk, if a fire did happen to burn through this area we would definitely feel the impact and see the impact. Also impacts to fisheries would be effected as well as a relic strain of Bonniville Cutthroat Trout that are in the head water of Pole Creek. If a Catastrophic wildfire strays in this area all the downflow sediment and ash from the fire would wipe out the population of BCTT.
Water Quality/Quantity:
This project will improve water quality and quantity due to the fact that we will be collecting water through a spring development or constructed head box and delivering it overland through a pipe line will prove to be more efficient than allowing the water to not be captured and disbursed on site, collecting sediment, debris and lose water due to evaporation. The quality of the water will be improved as it will be held in water troughs that will allow cattle and wildlife to drink clean clear water verse allowing water to be lost or made unavailable in a damaged seep. Water Right is held by the USDA Fillmore Forest Service, approval has been granted to complete this project. Water Right #63-2582. In the summer and fall of 2018, the livestock permittee was hauling over 5,000 gallons of water 4-5 times a week just to sustain the cattle within the Forest Service Allotment. Permittee was also hauling water to ponds on the private portions as well. With water being in short demand wildlife such as deer, turkeys, small mammals and elk would filter to these areas using water that the permittee had hauled. The water source to fill the tanks was on private property, the wear and tear on vehicles and water tanks was devastating to the livestock operation. With the development of this water system and the installation of watering troughs and cleaning of existing pond we are positive that this will help improve this aspect of the allotments, reduce time and energy from the permittee, save in fuel, labor and vehicle cost to do this for three to four months. Implementation of this project will benefit 26,900 acres within two grazing allotment on the Watts Mtn Complex. This project will allow for distribution of water within the grazing season as cattle move from different pastures was will be available from start to finish. As in the past water was critical and moving from pasture to pasture became harder as water was in demand. Areas of the allotments where not grazed due to cattle congregating around sole sources of water in the fall of the year, as other sources have been utilized.
Compliance of this project will be from the Fillmore Forest Service providing the details of the installation of the pipeline and the setting of the troughs, Project Manager will consult with UDWR Archaeologist to conduce survey if needed within this project. Pipeline is scheduled to follow an existing pipeline and may not need NEPA or ESA clearances due to this project being a maintenance type project for the Fillmore Forest Service. This project is ready to go as identified within this project proposal.
This project will be implemented with the help of the Fillmore Forest Service, UDWR, and Pahvant Ensgin Ranch Grazing Association to establish a pipeline to carry water from an existing head box at Butler Spring and piping water from Gardner Spring Reservior that is located in the South Watts Mountain Allotment. This pipeline will feed twelve (12) watering troughs and 6 ponds all within the Forest Service Allotment. This will be done by the use of a D-8 Cat to carry the spools of pipe, pipe will be installed below the surface and ripped in with the dozer. This project will be installed within the South Watts Mountain Allotment, the Fillmore Forest Service, UDWR and Pahvant Ensign Ranch Grazing Association will work together to install with this type of pipe, clean ponds and set the troughs. Fillmore Forest Service has looked at this project and is in favor of helping out the permittee to address the need of distributing water within the allotment. UDWR is also in favor as additional watering locations will benefit wildlife populations of mule deer, elk, and wild turkeys within the Pahvant Mountain WMU.
Monitoring of this project will be done by the Fillmore Forest Service, UDWR and the Pahvant Ensgin Ranch Grazing Permittees as they will be able to inspect the pipeline, and the watering troughs to make sure all connections are tight and working properly. Also the permittees will be assigned to monitor the collection box or spring development and remove any sediment that may effect the pipeline, water will be turn off in the fall allowing for the pipeline to drain and not freeze. Grazing Permittee, and the Forest Service will also monitor the livestock distribution as it pertains to the grazing allotment moving cattle when needed to allow for grass, forbs and shrubs to not be over utilized. UDWR will also monitor the need to keep the troughs clean and free from debris and small mammals along with allowing access for wildlife and cattle to the watering locations.
Partners for this project will consist of UDWR, Fillmore Forest Service, and the Pahvant Ensign Ranches Grazing Association. We have been successful in working with them to implement good projects within this area in the past few years, additional support has been leveraged through great partnerships looking for projects that will provide benefits to the local community, that protect the livestock grazing and wildlife within Millard County. Great efforts and strides have been made by Sportsman Organizations to improve the overall goals and objectives to increase and sustain wildlife through these types of projects. In working with the Fillmore Forest Service we are able to leverage funds for water troughs and pipe as well as some in kind services. As for the Pahvant Ensign Ranches who are also the permittee on the Grass Creek and Watts Mtn Allotments we are leveraging in-kind services from them to install the pipeline. We will be working with them to help installing water troughs as well as cleaning and re-claying the ponds within this project outline.
Future Management:
Management of this project will be to ensure that the project is installed correctly, pipeline and watering troughs are set correct and all fittings are secure. The need to fix or repair items associated with this project will be left up to the permittees in the future, they along with the Fillmore Forest Service will be working together to improve this allotment and improve the distribution of cattle during the grazing period. Additional phases of this pipeline project may be needed in the future as water is limited in this area and the need for additional watering sites is critical to the distribution of livestock as well as wildlife in this area. Fillmore Forest Service will need to work with the permittee to continue projects like this in the South Watts Mountain Allotment, water is critical and will always be valuable to livestock and wildlife populations in the future. Grazing Management will be key, as water becomes limited projects like this one allow for cattle movement, grazing practices and timing to be adjusted in drought type years. The Fillmore Forest Service will be working within the Grazing Management Plans identified in the documents tab to ensure that grazing practices within the Grass Valley and Watts Mtn Allotments are being fulfilled. Within the plan it does address the needs for water developments to be monitored, fix or repaired and allow for wildlife access moving forward. These management tools and oversight of the project will be managed by the permittee and monitored by the Fillmore Forest Service Rangeland Specialist. With this project installed so many additional acres of the 26,900 plus acre allotment will be opened up to livestock utilization, cattle in the past have had to travel long distances to get to water each day. With this project we will be better to utilize forage on a more manageable level, keep cattle from trailing, provide water for wildlife and improve overall Forest Management Practices. Other improvement will be seen in the riparian areas of the allotments as cattle will not be congregated around them destroying vegetation and over utilizing these wet areas. In turn we should be able to pull livestock away from these ares with better water distribution and improve management practices.
Sustainable Uses of Natural Resources:
This project will be a great asset to help benefit the livestock portion of the project, by increasing the need for water in critical areas of this allotment it will be able to increase the overall utilization of the Watts Mtn and Grass Creek Allotments as far as grazing additional areas that have not been grazed, and reducing impacts of grazing on other areas. This project will sustain 706 AUM's on the Grass Creek Allotment and 757 AUM's on the Watts Mtn Allotment. Water is critical within the allotment improved water will allow for longer use of the allotment time during drought situations, and in the fall of the year when water source have run dry, additional storage through the water trough will allow the livestock to maintain body weights and allow for better weighing weights for the producer due to reduction of traveling to different areas to water. Expansion and implementation of the water troughs increasing water capacity will allow for additional storage, and easy to water larger groups of cattle at once. The pipeline portion just allows better distribution of water decreasing the cost to the permittee of the possibilities of hauling water by truck to different locations,during critical times of the summer. Cleaning out and re-claying the ponds also gives additional storage for water due to summer rains and snow melt in the spring.
Budget WRI/DWR Other Budget Total In-Kind Grand Total
$119,050.00 $0.00 $119,050.00 $139,360.00 $258,410.00
Item Description WRI Other In-Kind Year
Materials and Supplies 62,000 Feet of HDPE SDR 11 200 PSI Fusable 2" pipe @ $1.35/FT $83,700.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 2020
Materials and Supplies Pipe fittings and valves for hook up to the water troughs. $1,750.00 $0.00 $0.00 2020
Materials and Supplies Bentonite Clay to re-clay the existing 6 ponds at 4 tons per pond. Clay will be in mega totes and 50 lb bags. All clay will be delivered on pallets. Cost per ton $140/ton delivered. Forest Service will provide material. $0.00 $0.00 $3,360.00 2020
Materials and Supplies Watering Troughs for the project total of twelve (12) rubber tire troughs Est.1,100 gallons that include install, materials and labor. $24,100.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 2020
Materials and Supplies Wood posts and lodge poles for setting around the water troughs, keeping them in place and keeping cattle from damaging the trough. $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 2020
Materials and Supplies One 5 HP pump and solar panels to be used to pump water from Gardner Spring into the pipeline. $6,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 2020
Materials and Supplies Construction of two new head boxes that will be used within the pipeline, these will be made of concrete or galvanized steel and fit within the Gardner Spring and Butler Spring locations. $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 2020
Contractual Services In-kind coming from the permittee to rip in the pipeline, set the troughs, clean and re-clay the existing ponds. Est. $2.10/ft for pipe as per GIP Cost Share. Additional cost for cleaning ponds and labor to re-clay. $0.00 $0.00 $124,000.00 2020
Personal Services (permanent employee) In-Kind from UDWR Employee to work on project and help permittee and FS with the project. $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 2020
Personal Services (permanent employee) In-kind services from the Fillmore Forest Service towards the project. $0.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 2020
Funding WRI/DWR Other Funding Total In-Kind Grand Total
$119,050.00 $0.00 $119,050.00 $139,360.00 $258,410.00
Source Phase Description Amount Other In-Kind Year
Mule Deer Foundation (MDF) S023 $5,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 2020
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR) $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 2020
UWRI-Water Development Fund U015 $90,800.00 $0.00 $0.00 2020
Private Labor, D-8 Cat and fuel all in-kind cost coming from Permittee. $0.00 $0.00 $124,000.00 2020
United States Forest Service (USFS) In-Kind Cost from Fillmore Forest Service $0.00 $0.00 $13,360.00 2020
National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) S024 $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 2020
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF) S025 $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 2020
Safari Club International S026 $5,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 2020
Sportsman for Fish & Wildlife (SFW) S027 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 2020
UWRI-Water Development Fund U015 $4,250.00 $0.00 $0.00 2021
Species "N" Rank HIG/F Rank
Blue Grouse
Threat Impact
No Threat NA
Threat Impact
No Threat NA
Threat Impact
No Threat NA
Domestic Livestock
Threat Impact
No Threat NA
Elk R2
Threat Impact
Droughts Low
Elk R2
Threat Impact
Improper Grazing – Livestock (current) Low
Elk R2
Threat Impact
Inappropriate Fire Frequency and Intensity High
Elk R2
Threat Impact
Invasive Plant Species – Non-native Low
Wild Turkey R1
Threat Impact
Droughts Medium
Wild Turkey R1
Threat Impact
Improper Grazing – Livestock (current) Low
Wild Turkey R1
Threat Impact
Inappropriate Fire Frequency and Intensity Medium
Wild Turkey R1
Threat Impact
Spring Development / Capping Low
Mourning Dove R2
Threat Impact
Droughts Medium
Mourning Dove R2
Threat Impact
Improper Grazing – Livestock (current) Low
Mule Deer R1
Threat Impact
Droughts Medium
Mule Deer R1
Threat Impact
Improper Grazing – Livestock (current) Low
Mule Deer R1
Threat Impact
Inappropriate Fire Frequency and Intensity High
Mule Deer R1
Threat Impact
Invasive Plant Species – Non-native High
Mountain Shrub
Threat Impact
Improper Grazing – Livestock (current) Low
Mountain Shrub
Threat Impact
Inappropriate Fire Frequency and Intensity Low
Mountain Shrub
Threat Impact
Invasive Plant Species – Non-native Medium
Project Comments
Comment 02/08/2018 Type: 1 Commenter: Keith Day
Kendall, There is no seed list. Will you need to reseed behind that dozer? I presume you plan, as you mentioned before, to have escape ramps in the troughs? Also, does this pipeline run year round or is it just operational during the grazing season? Keith
Comment 02/08/2018 Type: 1 Commenter: Kendall Bagley
Thanks Keith for your comment, We will not be applying seed in this area, due to the elevation and the areas we are to be installing the pipeline I don't think we need to reseed the area. Pipeline will be turned off in the fall but troughs will not be drained and the ponds should hold water over winter. Troughs will be fitted with escape ramps.
Comment 04/30/2019 Type: 2 Commenter: Tyler Thompson
If you haven't already, please provide an estimate the number of livestock AUMs (Animal Unit Months) that will be positively affected by this project if fully funded.
Comment 04/30/2019 Type: 2 Commenter: Kendall Bagley
Tyler, I just updated the allotment number's for the Grass Creek and Watts Mtn AUM's I put that information in the Domestic Livestock Benefit Portion of the proposal. They are also identified in the Grazing Management Plan from the Forest Service in the Document Tab section as well. Thanks for the comment. Kendall
Comment 08/13/2021 Type: 2 Commenter: Alison Whittaker
This is just a reminder that completion reports are due August 31st. I have entered the expenses in the Through WRI/DWR column on the finance page. Please do not make any changes to numbers in the Through WRI/DWR column. Any "Through Other" or "In-kind" expenses will need to be entered by the PM or contributors. Update your map features and fill out the completion form. Be sure to click on the finalize button on the completion report when you have your completion report ready to be reviewed by WRI Admin. Don't forget to upload any pictures of the project you have of before, during and after completion. If you have any questions about this don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks.
Comment 08/25/2021 Type: 2 Commenter: Alison Whittaker
Kendall - The report looks great. I just need you to go to the map features and change your other point feature to water development features. Thanks.
Comment 08/31/2021 Type: 2 Commenter: Alison Whittaker
Thanks for making those corrections. I have moved this project to completed.
Start Date:
End Date:
FY Implemented:
Final Methods:
For the Watts Mountain Pipeline Project the collaborative efforts of the Fillmore Forest Service, Pahvant Ensign Ranches, and UDWR worked in cooperation to install over 11.6 miles of 2" HDPE water pipeline and twelve (12) water troughs. This project occurred on Forest Service Property, with the Grazing Permittee (Pahvant Ensign Ranches) doing the installation of the pipeline and setting the 12 water troughs. The Pahvant Ensgin Ranches installed the pipeline under ground with the use of a D-8 dozer, troughs where set and leveled with the use of a min-excavator and a backhoe. All labor for the project was provided by the Pahvant Ensign Ranch with materials and supplies provided by the USFS and UDWR, along with funding from Sportsman Groups and DNR Water Development Funding.
Project Narrative:
This Watts Mtn Pipeline Project is a phase II type project that was in association with the Watts Mtn Wildlife Enhancement Project that was completed in Fall of 2018. The Watts Mtn Pipeline Project was presented to the UDWR from the Fillmore FS and the Pahvant Ensign Ranches, to improve water within the Grass Creek and Watts Mtn Grazing allotments. With the USFS completing the NEPA, and the Pahvant Ensign Ranches willing to do the labor, UDWR was able to put together a WRI Proposal for funding to complete the needed work. Over the course of a several years, UDWR, USFS Fillmore Office and the Pahvant Ensign Ranches where able to come together and complete this project. UDWR was able to purchase the 2" HDPE Pipe fusable pipe from ISCO Industries, 62,000' was purchase and delivered to Joseph, Utah. UDWR Also purchased 12 rubber tire troughs for the project. They came from Thirstycows.com. UDWR also purchased the fittings, floats, and concrete cement needed for the troughs. USFS/UDWR provided the Bentonite Clay for the overflow ponds associated with the project. With the materials purchased the Pahvant Ensign Ranch went to work installing the pipeline and setting the troughs. They had around 6-7 employees, provided a D-8 Dozer, flat bed trucks and trailers along with a backhoe and a mini-excavator. This project took them over two months to get installed and working, setting the troughs takes time and making sure all the fittings and the pipeline is buried correctly is critical. The final piece to the puzzle was for the installation of a Lorentz Solar Pump, this was purchased by UDWR and was set at Gardner Spring, this solar pump allows for the water from Gardner Spring to be pumped into the pipeline and supplied to the twelve tire troughs. This was a great cooperative effort that will help improve grazing within the Grass Creek and Watts Mtn Allotments, in addition it will help increase much needed water for wildlife. This was a great project that included the USFS, UDWR and the Pahvant Ensign Ranches we where able to complete this project with funding from UDWR, WRI, USFS, Sportsmans Groups and DNR Water Development Funding.
Future Management:
The future of this water development project will be base on the USFS and the Grazing Permittees continuing to work together and making sure the water troughs and pipeline remain in good condition. The main source or infrastructure is the solar pump, it will need to be maintained and cared for as it is the lifeblood of this project. With the solar pump working and the water source at Gardner Spring full, this project is a great asset to the grazing rotation associated with the Grass Creek and Watts Mtn Allotments. It has been a tough couple of years due drought conditions on the south end of the Pahvant Mtn Range, this project has made a great improvement for water distribution for livestock and wildlife.
Map Features
ID Feature Category Action Treatement/Type
672 Pipeline Construction Below surface
1620 Water development point feature Construction Trough
2391 Water development point feature Maintenance Pond Cleaning
2392 Water development point feature Construction Water Control Structure
2393 Water development point feature Construction Water Pump
2394 Water development point feature Modification Spring development
Project Map
Project Map