Strawberry Sagebrush Pre-treatment
Project ID: 4618
Status: Completed
Fiscal Year: 2019
Submitted By: 538
Project Manager: Robert Edgel
PM Agency: Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
PM Office: Central Region
Lead: U.S. Forest Service
WRI Region: Central
Treat Musk Thistle and other weeds in strawberry valley's sagebrush habitat.
Strawberry River above Strawberry Reservoir to the upper section of Strawberry River that is north of Hwy 40. Co-op Creek/Chicken Creek drainages down to Strawberry Reservoir.
Project Need
Need For Project:
Noxious weeds are present in sage grouse nesting/brood rearing habitat within the Strawberry SGMA and along the Strawberry River Restoration project. Efforts to reduce/stop this spread have been occurring, with mixed results. Recently, the USFS has approved the use of Milestone on their lands and we would like to take advantage of the more effective chemical to continue the effort of weed removal.
Eliminate weeds in sage grouse habitat within the Strawberry SGMA and in the Strawberry River Restoration projects.
Project Location/Timing Justification (Why Here? Why Now?):
Noxious weeds create a monoculture within the sagebrush community. Sage grouse need different sage brush stand structures during different stages in life. Noxious weeds replace grasses, forbs, and other plant species that are vital for sage grouse. Treatments are necessary to increase beneficial plant species in the treatment areas for nesting/brood-rearing.
Relation To Management Plan:
2003 Land and Resource Management Plan for the Uinta NF. Sub-goal 2-17. Activities and vegetation management minimize or eliminate the occurrence of non-native pests (including noxious weeds) and epidemic episodes of native pests. Utah Conservation Plan for Greater Sage grouse. Goal: Protect, maintain, improve and enhance sage grouse populations and habitats within the established SGMAs. Rehabilitation Plan for Strawberry Valley Streams 1988 UDWR publication. Identifies the need to rehabilitate valley streams to: 1 increase natural reproduction and 2 enhance water quality. Environmental Assessment of plans to restore Strawberry Valley fishery 1988. UDWR publication. Management Plan identifies the need to produce 10 million cutthroat and kokanee fry from valley tributaries. Strawberry reservoir TMDL study 2005. Utah Division of Water Quality publication. Identifies Strawberry River as the having the greatest potential for P loading reductions to Strawberry Reservoir. Strawberry River Watershed Plan 2012. Utah Division of Water Quality publication. Calls for P reductions from Strawberry River to Strawberry Reservoir. Strawberry Watershed Restoration Report 2004. USFS publication. Management Plan calls for: 1. bank stabilization, 2. decreased water temperature, 3. increased woody vegetation, and 4. increase fish spawning habitat, on the Strawberry River. Strawberry Watershed Action Plan 2004. USFS publication. Identifies the following for Strawberry River Segment 2A, 2B (SRR Phase IV). This segment needs work to: 1. raise the water table; 2. stabilize stream banks through use of heavy equipment, 3. instream structures, and 4. willow/carex planting. Fish passage is a concern and the segment would be managed as "beaver free" (beaver fencing, relocation etc...). Range-wide Conservation Agreement for Bonneville cuthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki utah) UDWR Publication Number 00-19, December 2000. Boreal Toad (bufo boreas boreas) Conservation Plan 2005. UDWR publication. Identifies
Fire / Fuels:
The current fuels condition affected by weed spread in these areas are at a point where they can be controlled and knocked back. If weeds are allowed to spread, they will change the dynamics of the fire regime, creating an increase in fire behavior as well as spreading weeds. Limiting the ability for a properly functioning sage ecosystem and reducing the ability for nesting/brood-rearing should a fire occur.
Water Quality/Quantity:
Weeds out-compete native grasses, sedges and forbs. Preventing them from buffering streams from upland soil erosion events. Healthy, weed free riparian areas protect streams.
All legal permitting will be obtained, though none is expected as this is a maintenance issue.
With the varying level of weed infestations in the area, Milestone will be sprayed with the appropriate application method (broadcast, spot, aerial, etc.).
The Project area will be monitored for 3 years post project to evaluate effectiveness. Re-treatment will be undertaken, if needed.
Wasatch County is involved with the application of the herbicide. USFS identifies areas were the herbicide is needed, coordinates with the other partners, and applies the herbicide. UDWR helps with project planning and contract project.
Future Management:
Sage brush treatments (mowing/harrowing) will be conducted where applicable. Weed treatments will continue as needed. Grazing will still be allowed where it is currently in place. No other current management activities will change.
Sustainable Uses of Natural Resources:
Yes. Removal of weeds promotes forage for livestock.
Budget WRI/DWR Other Budget Total In-Kind Grand Total
$25,712.00 $29,927.00 $55,639.00 $5,726.00 $61,365.00
Item Description WRI Other In-Kind Year
Materials and Supplies 7.5 gallons of Milestone $2,850.00 $0.00 $0.00 2019
Contractual Services Weed treatment contracting for 762@$30/acre. More acres will be treated if one of the partner agencies has the capacity to take this project implementation internally. $22,862.00 $0.00 $0.00 2019
Personal Services (seasonal employee) USFS weed crew $0.00 $19,800.00 $0.00 2019
Other Wasatch County contribution to Strawberry Valley weed treatment efforts $0.00 $10,127.00 $0.00 2019
Personal Services (permanent employee) $0.00 $0.00 $5,726.00 2019
Funding WRI/DWR Other Funding Total In-Kind Grand Total
$25,712.00 $29,927.00 $55,639.00 $5,726.00 $61,365.00
Source Phase Description Amount Other In-Kind Year
DNR Watershed N3622 $1,667.62 $0.00 $0.00 2019
United States Forest Service (USFS) $0.00 $0.00 $5,726.00 2019
United States Forest Service (USFS) $0.00 $19,800.00 $0.00 2019
Wasatch County $0.00 $10,127.00 $0.00 2019
USFS-WRI N6795 $2,918.71 $0.00 $0.00 2019
Habitat Council Account HCRF $2,918.71 $0.00 $0.00 2019
DNR Watershed U004 $4,044.38 $0.00 $0.00 2020
Habitat Council Account QHCR $7,081.29 $0.00 $0.00 2020
USFS-WRI A056 $7,081.29 $0.00 $0.00 2020
Species "N" Rank HIG/F Rank
Bonneville Cutthroat Trout N4 R1
Threat Impact
Channel Downcutting (indirect, unintentional) High
Bonneville Cutthroat Trout N4 R1
Threat Impact
Temperature Extremes High
Greater Sage-grouse N3 R1
Threat Impact
Brush Eradication / Vegetation Treatments High
Greater Sage-grouse N3 R1
Threat Impact
Invasive Plant Species – Non-native High
Western Toad N4
Threat Impact
Channel Downcutting (indirect, unintentional) Low
Western Toad N4
Threat Impact
Droughts Very High
Western Toad N4
Threat Impact
Improper Grazing – Livestock (current) High
Threat Impact
Channelization / Bank Alteration (direct, intentional) High
Threat Impact
Invasive Plant Species – Non-native Medium
Threat Impact
Temperature Extremes Unknown
Mountain Sagebrush
Threat Impact
Invasive Plant Species – Non-native Medium
Threat Impact
Channel Downcutting (indirect, unintentional) High
Threat Impact
Increasing Stream Temperatures Unknown
Threat Impact
Invasive Plant Species – Non-native Medium
Project Comments
Comment 02/08/2018 Type: 1 Commenter: Justin Robinson
Approved for ranking.
Comment 02/12/2018 Type: 1 Commenter: Lorien Belton
This project is strongly supported by the local sage-grouse working group, as it is a necessary first step before future habitat work for grouse in the area.
Start Date:
End Date:
FY Implemented:
Final Methods:
The USFS weed crew was used to locate and spray weeds in Horse Creek, Trout Creek, and in the Strawberry River Restoration Project. Spot spray (using backpack spray and ATV equipment) was the method used mostly, but some broadcast spray and grubbing was also completed.
Project Narrative:
This project was created after discussions with multiple partners about improving nesting/brood-rearing habitat for sage grouse in the Strawberry Valley. Many areas have been invaded by noxious weeds, choking out preferred grasses, forbs, and shrubs. To prevent further spread of weeds while doing sage brush treatments, we decided to pre-treat these areas before future projects are proposed. The USFS did not invoice DWR for this work until August 2019 (FY20). All work was completed in FY19.
Future Management:
The USFS will continue to monitor the area for weeds and weed treatments will continue, as needed. To improve sage grouse nesting and brood-rearing habitats, these areas will be accessed and treatments will be proposed where appropriate. Grazing will still be allowed where it is currently in place.
Map Features
ID Feature Category Action Treatement/Type
6824 Terrestrial Treatment Area Herbicide application Spot treatment
6825 Terrestrial Treatment Area Herbicide application Spot treatment
6826 Terrestrial Treatment Area Herbicide application Spot treatment
Project Map
Project Map