South Canyon (Panguitch Creek)
Project ID: 5266
Status: Completed
Fiscal Year: 2021
Submitted By: 934
Project Manager: Shawn Peterson
PM Agency: Bureau of Land Management
PM Office: Cedar City
Lead: Bureau of Land Management
WRI Region: Southern
The South Canyon (Panguitch Creek) treatment would expand upon existing sage grouse treatments completed between Hatch and Panguitch, UT. The treatment would include improving 2,000 acres (see map) of sage grouse (PHMA), winter/summer mule deer range, elk range, pronghorn range and reduce hazardous fuels near Panguitch, Utah by mechanically mulching and seeding Phase III PJ woodlands.
South Canyon (Panguitch Creek) project is located immediately adjacent to the west of Panguitch, UT and north of Highway 143. This project is within the Panguitch Creek Watershed area.
Project Need
Need For Project:
The South Canyon (Panguitch Creek) project area is dominated by stands of pinyon and juniper trees with a high percentage of young trees encroaching and infilling areas of sagebrush steppe causing a downward trend in herbaceous cover and creating a high fire danger for surrounding urban interfaces. Some of the areas within the site have little remnant sagebrush, forb or grass component. The project area serves as important seasonal and year round habitat for several species of wildlife including, but not limited to sage grouse, mule deer, elk, pronghorn antelope, and many shrub steppe birds. In particular, this project falls within mapped priority sage grouse habitat (PHMA) and is needed and proposed to re-establish and maintain sagebrush steppe habitat, open travel corridors and provide benefits to sage grouse within and immediately adjacent to the project area. This project was ranked as one of the top three projects through the Color Country Adaptive Resource Management Local Working Group (CCARM) due to sage grouse concerns and benefits within the Panguitch PHMA. Small amounts of ponderosa pine are found within the project area. Pinyon/juniper currently form ladder fuels that could potentially spread ground fires into crowns of remaining ponderosa pine. Pinyon/juniper also limit the recruitment of ponderosa seedlings. There is a need to remove encroaching pinyon/juniper to improve ponderosa pine stands. High pinyon/juniper tree density also increases the risk of catastrophic wildfire, thus threatening the communities and outlying residential properties of Panguitch, Utah. A catastrophic wildlfire could also increase the risk of invasive species and erosion of sediment into Panguitch Creek. Past projects in the area have proven successful in restoring grass, forb, and shrub species to the site, decreasing erosion, improving species diversity and functional plant groups and improving winter/summer mule deer, pronghorn, shrub steppe birds and sage grouse habitat.
1) Maintain or improve vegetative diversity and age class structure. 2) Re-establish frequency of grasses to 20%, forbs to 10% and shrubs to 40%. 3) Restore percent canopy of grasses to 30%, forbs to 10% and shrubs to 35%. 4) Reintroduce healthy, viable, perennial grasses, forbs and shrubs on historical sage grouse habitats by reducing the density of Phase III pinyon and juniper. 5) Maintain/Improve presence of ponderosa pine on the landscape. 6) Restore connectivity on approximately 2,000 acres of sage grouse (PHMA) between treatments completed within the South Canyon project area and the 5 mile project area.
Project Location/Timing Justification (Why Here? Why Now?):
The invasion of pinyon and juniper trees into areas once dominated by grasses, forbs, and shrubs increases the risk of losing key areas for sage grouse, mule deer, elk, pronghorn, and many shrub steppe birds. Without this project, sage grouse would be at an increased risk, and/or could move to imminent listing due to lack of important habitat needed for survival. This treatment would connect the South Canyon treatments with the Five Mile treatments completed in 2010. This would extend the corridor from south of Hatch to Highway 20 into Dog Valley. With the lack of a diverse understory, the potential for soil erosion into Panguitch Creek would continue to increase. The increase of pinyon and juniper also increases the risk of catastrophic wildfire in these habitats. The risk of invasion of cheatgrass and rabbitbrush and loss of sagebrush after wildfire could further impact sage grouse in the area. Catastrophic wildfires that have the potential to burn thousands of acres at high temperatures also threatens other wildlife habitat, sedimentation and erosion into Panguitch Creek, and in addition, the communities and outlying properties of Panguitch, Utah. Past phases of projects identical to the proposed project have proved successful in meeting objectives. However, as with any surface disturbing activity in sagebrush ecosystems, there is a low potential for weed invasion. BLM will aggressively treat any noxious weeds in the area if found.
Relation To Management Plan:
Upper Sevier Watershed Management Plan (2004). This area was identified as 1 of 3 priority areas overall, within the entire Upper Sevier planning area due to the lack of healthy composition of riparian vegetation; accelerated erosion (both riparian and within pinyon and juniper woodlands and sagebrush); noxious weeds, wildlife management (mule deer, sage grouse concerns and habitat); communities at risk (Panguitch); hazardous fuels; develpment and effects of ground water; sagebrush-grasslands degradation; and degradation of water quality and quantity in the Sevier River due to the decrease in upland herbaceous understory. This project is in conformance with the Kanab Field Office Record of Decision and Resource Management Plan (RMP), signed October 31, 2008. VEG-30, 32, 33, 35. SOL-3. The proposed treatment is consistent with Fish and Wildlife Habitat Management Decision #FW-01, with states: 1) that BLM will manage suitable public land habitats for the recovery or re-establishment of native populations through collaborative planning with local, state, and federal agencies, user groups, and interested publics; and 2) that BLM will also seed to limit additional adverse impacts to crucial habitats on public lands from urbanization and encroachment to preserve the integrity of wildlife corridors and migration routes and access to key forage areas. Numerous other management plans have identified the need for these projects, including the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Statewide Management Plan for Mule Deer (2008), Color Country Adaptive Resource Management Plan (CCARM) (2008) for sage grouse. Wildlife Action Plan (2015). This proposal specifically addresses treatments to improve the health of the Gamble Oak Terrestrial Key Habitat and Lowland Sage Key Habitat areas. Pinyon and juniper has encroaching into these key habitats. Action within the proposal will remove these species to allow for a more diverse, healthy understory of grasses, forbs and shrubs. The proposed project is consistent with the Southern Utah Support Area Fire Management Plan dated September 9, 2004, which states: 15,000 acres be mechanically treated to convert pinyon and juniper invasion (condition class 3) into sagebrush/perennial grass (condition class 1 or 2) vegetation types. BLM's Final Programmatic Environmental Report: Vegetation Treatments on BLM Lands in 17 Western States Programmatic Environmental Report, June 2007. This Environmental report addresses the pinyon and juniper encroachment on semi desert shrub and sagebrush steppe habitat. BLM National Sage Grouse Habitat Conservation Strategy (2004). Utah Wildlife Conservation Strategy (2005). Of particular concern within this area are: Greater Sage Grouse, mule deer, and shrub steppe (key habitat). Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Statewide Management Plan for Mule Deer (2008). The Color Country Adaptive Resource Management Plan for Sage Grouse (CCARM) (2007) strategies and action to: 1) Improve age distribution of plants within sagebrush-steppe communities by 2016; 2) Identify and prioritize target areas needing improvement; 3) Coordinate among agencies and landowners to fund implementation of projects and monitoring; 4) Monitor response of sage grouse to changing habitat conditions. National Greater Sage Grouse Planning Strategy (2011) which provides a framework for establishing adequate regulatory mechanisms (conservation measures). Sagebrush Memorandum of Understanding (2008) and the WAFWA Greater Sage Grouse Comprehensive Conservation Strategy (2006). Other plans that relate to the proposed project are: The Fundamental of Rangeland Health (43 CFR 4180) and Utah's Standards and Guidelines for Rangeland Health which address watersheds, ecological condition, water quality and habitat for special status species, National Fire Plan (2000), Healthy Forest Restoration Act of 2003 which state protecting forests, woodlands, shrublands, and grasslands from unnaturally intensive and destructive fires.
Fire / Fuels:
Within the project area there is a large fuel loading build up and an alteration in fuel types. Pinyon and juniper trees, once held to lower densities by more frequent fires, have expanded in range and moved into areas once dominated by shrubs, forbs, and grasses. Without this project, fuel conditions are such that an unexpected wildfire may be difficult to contain, leading to an increased risk to firefighter and public safety, suppression effectiveness and natural resource degradation such as loss of important occupied sage grouse habitat as well as impacts to water quality and aquatic wildlife within Panguitch Creek. Fire Regime Condition Class (FRCC) within the project area is predominately FRCC 3, where fire regimes have been extensively altered and risk of losing key ecosystem components from fire is high. Treatments identified within this proposal would help reduce hazardous fuel loads, create fuel breaks, and reduce the overall threat of a catastrophic wildfire which could impact the communities and infrustructure of Panguitch, Hillsdale, and Hatch, UT, occupied sage grouse habitat, winter mule deer habitat, as well as firefighter and public safety. Treatments in and around the sagebrush areas would break up continuous fuels and reduce the risk of wildfire entering these sensitive areas. Removing pinyon and juniper in a mosaic pattern would also break up continuous fuels and reduce the risk of a high intensity wildfire. Because there is a greater risk of conversion of important sagebrush semi-desert habitat to annual grasslands and rabbitbrush under a high intensity fire, managed, pro-active treatments proposed would reduce the likelihood of cheatgrass and rabbitbrush invasion and help perennial grasses and forbs persist long-term. The treatment proposed would help to effectively return this area to a more resilient landscape by placing the fire regime closer to the historical range (FRCC1) and fire adapted Ponderosa Pine forest stands, where fire plays a role in the ecosystem.
Water Quality/Quantity:
The South Canyon (Panguitch Creek) project is located within the Upper Sevier River Watershed. The Panguitch Creek project will be phase 12 in the South Canyon area and will be a continuation of efforts to sustain a healthy ecosystem and improve water quantities and quality. Past projects completed in the area have ranged from bullhog (mastication), hand thinning, seeding, water distribution pipelines, troughs, and wildlife guzzlers. The area is surrounded by rocky hills which make the area vulnerable to high amounts of runoff. Water quality and quantity due to the lack of herbaceous understory throughout the area was recognized by the Upper Sevier Watershed Plan. The project area is dominated by Phase III juniper expansion with Phase I expansion on the outer edges of the project area. Reduced plant community composition, and structural diversity has caused a high proportion of bare ground which is susceptible to accelerated runoff and erosion into Panguitch Creek and the Sevier River. With the removal of Phase I and III PJ encroachment and the increase of herbaceous perennial species, water quality and quantity should improve. Studies have shown that an additional 45 day increase of water can occur when pinyon and juniper are removed and a perennial herbaceous understory is established. Runoff will decrease and less sediment will be moved out of the watershed due to an increase of a herbaceous understory. Previous phases of this project have proven successful in reducing erosion as soils have stabilized once seeding is established. It is expected this project will improve standard 1 of the Standards and Guidelines for Health Rangelands by allowing soils to exhibit permeability and infiltration rates that sustain/improve site productivity throughout the area. This will be accomplished by making improvements to the Biotic Integrity of the community by ensuring proper distribution of livestock and wildlife throughout the area and within designated grazing allotments. Indicators will include sufficient cover and litter to protect the soil surface flow and limiting moisture loss through evaporation, which will promote proper infiltration.
Archeological clearances will be completed prior to the 2021 Fiscal Year. Wildlife clearances will be completed prior to the 2021 Fiscal Year. NEPA for the South Canyon Vegetation Enhancement Project was signed February, 2010.
Pinyon and juniper, which currently occupy and are encroaching upon the site will be removed through mechanically mulching approximately 2,000 acres. Islands and corridors of pinyon and juniper would remain untreated throughout the unit, creating a mosaic pattern of treated and untreated vegetation (see Attached Photos). Before mechanical implementation, mulching areas would be broadcast seeded with a mix of native and non-native shrubs, grasses and forbs important for improving sage grouse winter and brooding habitat, winter mule deer range, pronghorn habitat and stabilization of soils. Boundaries may be adjusted this spring which may change the acres of actual treatment. Stringers of thicker trees in the washes will be left for big game where it is determined beneficial by BLM and DWR biologists.
Vegetation Monitoring Plans: Currently a rain gauge and Nested Frequency plot are located in the project area. Rain gauge data will be read quarterly each year. Frequency studies will be read yearly for 3 years. Data will be summarized each year and placed in project files. Frequency will then be read once every 3-5 years by the Kanab Field Office. Success will be determined by the site having 25% or greater frequency of seeded species by fall of 2018. Wildlife Monitoring Plans: Currently, sage grouse and mule deer pellet counts occur each year. Sage grouse and mule deer pellet counts will continue on a yearly basis. Wildlife studies such as sage grouse and mule deer counts would continue with coordination with UDWR and local working groups.
There has been various partners throughout the previous phases of this project. They include: Bureau of Land Management, Division of Wildlife Resources, Forestry Fire and State Lands, Mule Deer Foundation, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife, Safari Club, SITLA, private land owners, Natural Resource Conservation Service, and local livestock grazing permittees. Many partners have provided funds as well as ideas to the success of the project. Coordination has taken place with the Kanab Field Office wildlife biologist, the Color Country District sage grouse biologist, the Division of Wildlife biologist for the area and the Color Country Adaptive Resource Management Local Working Group (CCARM). This project was ranked as one of the top 3 projects within the working group area this year. Input from these biologists and other specialists is critical in the planning of this project. The Upper Sevier Watershed Plan which identifies concerns and priorities within the project area was accomplished by many partners (Federal, State, and Private). Tours and visits with various groups have occurred multiple times on this project. We have looked at treated as well as non-treated areas. Discussions of methods, ideas, studies, seeded species, and overall what worked and didn't work took place on each of these visits and has been implemented into the project proposal. On January 8, 2020 we met with all partners that would be interested in this project. It was determined that there was no need to work across jurisdictional boundaries because of the lack of NEPA on the forest side and the WMA was already complete. This will be the second to last phase of this project with most work around the current treatment area completed.
Future Management:
This project area is within one grazing allotment with two pastures. All areas seeded will be rested for a minimum of two complete growing seasons or until the seedlings become established and set seed. Once seeding establishment has been confirmed, BLM may authorize grazing according the the Utah's Fundamentals of Rangeland Health and Guidelines for Grazing Management (2007). Vegetation will continue to be monitored for utilization, cover and trend. Following the rest period, the current management plan will govern. The current plan allows grazing every other year. If needed, grazing adjustments would be made in Grazing Allotment Plans and through the grazing permit renewal process. Future maintenance projects to protect investments made by UWRI/BLM have been addressed and allowed through the project planning document (NEPA). Adaptive management has been allowed for in the NEPA documents. Many tools have been analyzed in the NEPA planning process to allow other methods in the future.
Sustainable Uses of Natural Resources:
The South Canyon (Panguitch Creek) project area lies within the Panguitch hunting unit. Big game that inhabit the area would reap the benefits of this habitat project such as increased forage, health, fawn and calf production, performance, etc. The success of this project would lead to success of healthy mule deer, elk and antelope populations and increased hunting opportunities. Currently hunting permits for the Panguitch Mule Deer unit number at approximately 1,839 permits, Rocky Mountain Elk 40 permits, and Pronghorn Antelope 26 permits, which brings not only local hunters to the area, but hunters from other parts of the country to the area and has a significant positive economic impact on local communities. Each year the area draws hunters from nation wide and brings in large amounts of dollars from the sale of conservation permits for Elk and Pronghorn Antelope for hunters seeking the opportunity to hunt this area. These conservation dollars will in return play a critical role in future habitat projects and wildlife conservation.This project will help in maintaining/improving the area for these opportunities, as well as improve the overall health of big game populations in the area. Multilpe recreation opportunities can be found in the area and include but are not limited to hunting, ATV riding, mountain biking, climbing, camping, and wildlife watching. Located near and around multiple National Parks and Monuments, this area serves as a stopping point for those seeking these activities. This project will help to improve the areas visual effects as well as help mitigate large scale wildfires that could have a devastating effect on recreation opportunities for years to come. This area holds one of only a few areas on Bureau of Land Management Lands that holds small stands of Ponderosa Pine. The treatment proposed would help to effectively return this area to a more resilient landscape by placing the fire regime closer to the historical range (FRCC1) and fire adapted Ponderosa Pine forest stands, where fire plays a role in the ecosystem. Rangeland conditions are expected to improve following implementation of the proposed vegetation project. The health, vigor, recruitment and production of perennial grasses, forbs and shrubs would improve which would provide a more palatable and nutritional source of forage for both livestock and wildlife. This will aid in improved rangeland conditions throughout the allotment. Implementation of this project would eventually improve overall livestock performance (e.g. increased cow weights, increased calf crops, increased weaning weights, etc) and improve the economic stability of the permittees due to an increase in the quantity and quality of grasses and other herbaceous forage which are important to livestock grazing. Production of past treatments on the South Canyon project have increased from 30 lbs/acre to over 3,000 lbs/acre once seeding was established. Non-use agreements have been signed by the permittees to allow rest for a minimum of two growing seasons or until it is determined that recovery efforts have met the objectives outlined for this project.
Budget WRI/DWR Other Budget Total In-Kind Grand Total
$1,120,022.43 $25,000.00 $1,145,022.43 $0.00 $1,145,022.43
Item Description WRI Other In-Kind Year
Archaeological Clearance Class III cultural survey on BLM administered lands (2,372 acres @ $25.26/acres) $59,926.82 $0.00 $0.00 2021
Personal Services (permanent employee) Cadastral Survey $0.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 2021
Seed (GBRC) Seed mix for Panguitch Creek on Bureau of Land Management administered lands (2,228 acres @ $77.95/acre). $173,908.61 $0.00 $0.00 2021
Contractual Services Aerial seeding contract for Bureau of Land Management lands (2,228 acres @ $8.75/acre). $19,495.00 $0.00 $0.00 2021
Contractual Services Mechanical mulching contract on BLM administered lands (2,228 acres @ $389.00/acre). $866,692.00 $0.00 $0.00 2021
Personal Services (permanent employee) Project layout, contract preparation, and contract administration for approximately 2186 acres of cultural, seeding and mulching contracts on Bureau of Land Management lands. $0.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 2021
Funding WRI/DWR Other Funding Total In-Kind Grand Total
$1,121,351.11 $25,000.00 $1,146,351.11 $0.00 $1,146,351.11
Source Phase Description Amount Other In-Kind Year
BLM Fuels (Color Country) A088 $486k - RF on new GNA $470k - Mod 3 $940,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 2021
BLM Fuels (Color Country) $0.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 2021
BLM (Sage Grouse) Mod 6 $181,351.11 $0.00 $0.00 2021
Species "N" Rank HIG/F Rank
Domestic Livestock
Threat Impact
Not Listed NA
Elk R2
Threat Impact
Inappropriate Fire Frequency and Intensity High
Greater Sage-grouse N3 R1
Threat Impact
Inappropriate Fire Frequency and Intensity Very High
Greater Sage-grouse N3 R1
Threat Impact
Problematic Plant Species – Native Upland High
Mule Deer R1
Threat Impact
Inappropriate Fire Frequency and Intensity High
Mule Deer R1
Threat Impact
Problematic Plant Species – Native Upland High
Pronghorn R3
Threat Impact
Inappropriate Fire Frequency and Intensity Medium
Mountain Sagebrush
Threat Impact
Habitat Shifting and Alteration Medium
Mountain Sagebrush
Threat Impact
Inappropriate Fire Frequency and Intensity Medium
Mountain Sagebrush
Threat Impact
Problematic Plant Species – Native Upland Very High
Mountain Shrub
Threat Impact
Inappropriate Fire Frequency and Intensity Low
Mountain Shrub
Threat Impact
Problematic Plant Species – Native Upland Low
Project Comments
Comment 02/03/2020 Type: 1 Commenter: Nicki Frey
Sean, Thanks for presenting your project to the Color Country LWG. The group felt that your project would have the following benefit to Greater sage-grouse: create habitat mosaics, increased connectivity, create brood rearing habitat.
Comment 02/04/2020 Type: 1 Commenter: Stan Gurley
Shawn Another great project here! I don't remember hearing about his one (I could have forgotten too), not that it is prerequisite for a project or anything, but I would have been a great place to add some NRCS dollars. Let me know if we can help on other projects next year. Thanks
Comment 02/07/2020 Type: 1 Commenter: Shawn Peterson
Hey Stan. Thanks. We did discuss this when we met on January 8th with all our partners. However, there was a lot of projects and coordination during that meeting. We still have one more year to finish up the projects so we will look to do that then.
Comment 02/06/2020 Type: 1 Commenter: Michael Golden
Hi Shawn, We are instructed to award up to 5 points for" If applicable, does the project cross jurisdictional boundaries? If the proposed project area borders other ownerships, was consideration given to expand the project to a broader landscape? If no opportunity existed, award full points. If an opportunity existed and minimal or no outreach occurred, score accordingly." You may want to address this in your proposal. Additionally, if this project has water quality and fire protection to Panguitch Creek, you may want to consider benefits to the recreational brown trout fishery and the population of the awesome and fantastic Southern leatherside chub (SGCN -- N2) that are in Panguitch Creek through the adjacent WMA..
Comment 02/07/2020 Type: 1 Commenter: Shawn Peterson
Thanks Mike. We had a meeting with all of our partners and adjacent land owners on January 8th. There wasn't an opportunity for other partnerships due to most of the work already being complete. This will be the second to last year and the project area will be completed and then we will be in a maintenance phase. I will update this in the proposal.
Comment 02/07/2020 Type: 1 Commenter: Jimi Gragg
So - not biting on the fish/stream idea? I can easily see a case for this project - this *series* of mutually-supportive, positive-cumulative-effects projects - providing stream and fish benefits. One mechanism would be increased baseflows via reduced evapotranspiration, canopy interception, and sublimation. Another would be reduced ash and sediment delivery (in the event of fire), via reduced fuel loading and improved understory resiliency. But...maybe it's just me and my overactive imagination. Your call on the point (N2 leatherside vs N3 sage-grouse).
Comment 02/06/2020 Type: 1 Commenter: Gary Bezzant
When I zoomed out and clicked on adjacent projects I have to wonder - Is this the one you have been looking for the last 12 years? The final phase? You talk about Prairie Dogs in the Project Details but don't list them on the species page. Tell us more about them.
Comment 02/07/2020 Type: 1 Commenter: Shawn Peterson
Almost! It depends how much we get done on this area this year. There may be one more year to finish up the acreage on the north end of the project area. We will then go into a maintenance phase. As far as the UPD we had a portion of the project area that was in that was habitat when we first started looking at the treatment. We since took that out and I missed it in the write up. I will update that in the proposal but just to clarify there is no UPD habitat in this treatment.
Comment 08/23/2021 Type: 2 Commenter: Daniel Eddington
Thank you for submitting your completion form on time. Thanks for uploading pictures! On the finance-expense page there is amount highlighted in red in the "Through Other" that needs information to be entered. Also, the completion report said that 2,372 acres were completed, but the Map Page only shows 2,187 acres. Will you adjust map page to match what was completed.
Comment 08/31/2021 Type: 2 Commenter: Alison Whittaker
It still looks like your map page isn't quite adding up to what was described in the final report. You have uploaded the areas that were seeded and masticated but sounds like there is about 185 acres of seeding only that is not represented on the map. When you have completed adding that, please go back to the Completion Form and finalize your report again so I know that it has been completed. Thanks.
Comment 08/31/2021 Type: 2 Commenter: Cody Pollock
I have updated the acres and the map should be good. There should have been 2231 seeded and 2186 mulched. I'm not sure where the 2372 acres came from. Thanks.
Comment 09/02/2021 Type: 2 Commenter: Alison Whittaker
Thanks for fixing that! I have moved the project to completed.
Start Date:
End Date:
FY Implemented:
Final Methods:
December 9, 2020: Aerially seeded 2,231 acres of grasses, forbs, and shrubs was completed by Chuck Hammond with a fixed wing aircraft. Mulching began December 17, 2020. There were 2186 acres mulched (2142 Panguitch creek, 44 Sevier river) total. Contractor was awarded to Wilkinson Construction. Wilkinson sub contracted to Retroscape, Razorback and wilson for a total of 7 machines working off and on throughout the project. Mulching was completed on March 11, 2021.
Project Narrative:
Started seeding on December 9, 2020 by aerially seeding grasses, forbs, and shrubs with a fixed wing aircraft. Contractor completed seeding within 1 day. Seed was consistent throughout the project and contractor took good care in completing contract within specifications. Mulching contract began December 17, 2020. Wilkinson Construction was awarded the contract. Wilkinson along with sub contractors (a total of 7 machines) worked throughout the project and completed work on March 11, 2021. Contractor did an exceptional job in complying with the contract stipulations and finished early. Contract was completed with 85 days averaging 28 acres per day. 2186 acres (2142 Panguitch creek, 44 Sevier River) were mulched after arc sites and wildlife islands were added.
Future Management:
Project area will be monitored for vegetative trend, cover and wildlife use for the next 3 years. The project area will be rested from livestock for a minimum of 2 complete growing seasons in order to allow the seedlings to become established and set seed. The rest period may be extended if monitoring shows the seeding has not sufficiently established. Maintenance of the project will be completed in the future.
Map Features
ID Feature Category Action Treatement/Type
10596 Terrestrial Treatment Area Bullhog Full size
10596 Terrestrial Treatment Area Seeding (primary) Broadcast (aerial-fixed wing)
10597 Terrestrial Treatment Area Bullhog Full size
10597 Terrestrial Treatment Area Seeding (primary) Broadcast (aerial-fixed wing)
10748 Terrestrial Treatment Area Seeding (primary) Broadcast (aerial-fixed wing)
Project Map
Project Map