Utah Lake Shoreline Restoration (FY2023)
Project ID: 6050
Status: Completed
Fiscal Year: 2023
Submitted By: 2911
Project Manager: Eric Ellis
PM Agency: Utah Lake Commission
PM Office: Provo
Lead: Utah Lake Commission
WRI Region: Central
Continuation of a previously funded, multi-year project at Utah Lake. Removal of phragmites greatly benefits the watershed and habitat for wildlife. USU research indicates that aggressive and repeated treatments of phragmites is the most successful approach. As such, the Utah Lake Commission and Utah County's Weed Supervisor have identified 9,914 acres of shoreline within which aggressive and targeted treatments will be conducted.
Targeted treatments will be undertaken along the shoreline of Utah Lake's 9,914 acres of land where Phragmites, Tamarisk and Russian Olive trees have invaded over the years. Detailed end-of-year monitoring allows for detailed treatment maps to be created that allow for precision treatments where re-growth has occurred while simultaneously allowing desirable and native species to re-establish.
Project Need
Need For Project:
We asked the County Weed Program Supervisor to review the "Wildlife Tracker" with DWR's Central Region habitat biologist. To see how this project impacts collared species of wildlife. As expected through more anecdotal observations, American White Pelicans are tracked along the shoreline of Utah Lake where Phragmites has been treated. Shorebirds of many types in fact utilize the healthy shorelines of of the lake. (See the attached images of the collared data from the wildlife tracker site.) Utah Lake and its shores are utilized for outdoor sports, recreation, agriculture, and as a valuable wetland habitat for wildlife. The success of this work improves watershed health as well as the biodiversity along the shoreline and in the lake. The restoration of native vegetation improves water quality and reduces the consumption of water; effectively enhancing both quality and quantity. According to the WAP this project benefits both Key Species and Habitat of greatest conservation needs (June Sucker and Invasive plant species in shoreline habitat). Utilizing helicopter aerial imagery and remote sensing data of Utah Lake, it is estimated that there are aver 9,000 acres of Phragmites infested shoreline around the lake. The removal of Phragmites, Tamarisk and Russian Olive Trees greatly benefits the watershed and wildlife habitat. Phragmites chokes out valuable wetland and continues to intrude on habitat areas of endangered or threatened wildlife species. Tamarisk and Russian Olives choke out more desirable native vegetation and tree species. Invasive vegetation also greatly limits public access around the lake and creates a wall of vegetation. Not only does this prevent visitation, but also creates a safety hazard for boaters in emergency situations. Phragmites proliferation has the potential to choke out valuable wetlands found around the lake. Phragmites is difficult to eradicate without an aggressive vegetation management program. Phragmites is capable of surviving the harshest conditions including fire, frost, high pH and flood. It is tolerant of low water, storm water discharge, road salts and nutrient pollution. It spreads by rhizomes and forms a dense mat that out competes and eliminates native vegetation and destroys valuable wetlands. It was added to the Utah County list of noxious weeds by the Utah County Commission in 2008. Stands of phragmites can grow to over 14 feet tall and create an impenetrable insecticide buffer which allows breeding mosquitos to thrive. Mosquitoes around Utah Lake and the County have tested positive for West Nile Virus. Each year when the phragmites dies back and dries out, lake shore residential developments, parks, bridges and other structures face the risk of extreme fire danger. In 2007 the Division of Forestry, Fire & State Lands was court ordered to create a 30-foot firebreak as a safety measure to protect the homes in case of a fire. The Utah Lake Commission has coordinated the creation of a long-term shoreline restoration program with local municipal governments, Utah County, and applicable state and federal agencies as well as private land owners to remove phragmites and other invasive plant species such as tamarisk and Russian olive from the shoreline of Utah Lake and to restore native vegetation. Restoration in the form of seeding where invasive vegetation is receding has begun and is showing great results. This effort requires yearly dedicated funding to ensure its success.
This year's effort will enhance the precision of monitoring through additional remote sensing capability and allow us to build on the success of the continued work. The more aggressive treatment regime which started three years ago will continue with the expectation that each year the restoration side involving re-seeding and tree planting will begin to backfill the void where Invasives have receded. Competitive seed mixes of native and desirable vegetation is spread where they will be most likely to re-establish. The project will also expand vegetation management through sustainable grazing practices in the Walkara Way project area which includes parcels from Vineyard to Orem along the lakeshore as fencing is established through the project area.
Project Location/Timing Justification (Why Here? Why Now?):
Phragmites proliferation, which began a mere two decades ago, unchecked, will eventually choke out the biodiversity found within the rich ecosystem of the lakeshore and valuable wetlands around the lake and puts the entire ecosystem on a critical threshold. Phragmites puts littoral, emergent and riparian habitats at risk. Utah Lake is at the confluence of multiple HUC 12 watershed resources making the lake a vital watershed. Utah Lake is much less healthy and much less resilient when invaded by Phragmites and other invasive vegetation. Phragmites continues to intrude upon the habitat area of several threatened species, as well as species of concern. These include, as recommended by UDWR, June sucker, Utah sucker, channel catfish, bullhead catfish, panfish including bluegill and crappie, and large-mouth bass; shore birds, neotropical birds, and water fowl including the Avocet, Stilt, Caspian Tern, Plover, and Long-billed Curlew. Removing Phragmites allows for the restoration of littoral, emergent, riparian and even upland habitats around the lake, which all support the resilience and long-term survival of this biodiverse ecosystem.
Relation To Management Plan:
(Management Plans and objectives are named and then numbered in brackets or parenthesis) This project will continue the process needed to help several agencies accomplish their goals and objectives. The agencies, the plans and objectives are listed below. The Utah Lake Commission [1,2 (two objectives)] and Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands [3,4 (two objectives] adopted the Utah Lake Master Plan in June 2009. It specifically lists removal of phragmites around Utah Lake as a high-priority goal. The Master Plan also lists the importance of insect control to benefit public health--a direct result of this removal effort. The Utah County Commission (5) has identified phragmites as a noxious weed at the recommendation of the Utah County Weed Board. This board meets regularly to strategize treatment of numerous types of noxious weeds in Utah County. This is outlined in the 2013 County Resource Assessment. Restoration of the shoreline of Utah Lake is a high priority of this board. The Utah County Mosquito Abatement (6) district has identified phragmites removal as a priority as well. Listed as a noxious weed that needs to be controlled in the 2013 Alpine Conservation District Resource Assessment (7) and the 2013 Timpanogos/Nebo Conservation District Resource Assessment (8). Removal of phragmites helps the Division of Wildlife Resources (9) reclaim valuable habitat for wildlife. Phragmites removal is also a priority of several municipalities, including the City of Saratoga Springs (10) and Provo City (11), Lehi City (12) to have this invasive species controlled as it grows closer to existing homes and planned developments. The Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (13) has identified phragmites as one of their top priorities for invasive species control, within the new Invasive Species Mitigation program, which is a partner in this grant. The June sucker Recovery Implementation Program (14) has identified phragmites at Utah Lake to be detrimental to habitat and has been supporting efforts to remove phragmites around the lake. This project lies within the wetland type which is one of the key habitats identified in the WAP. This area supports a variety of wildlife species including many that are listed in the WAP such as fish, Neotropical birds, raptors, and wading and shorebirds. June sucker, an ESA listed threatened fish endemic to Utah Lake, may also receive benefit from a long-term phragmites removal effort of which this project is the first step. Other species of concern, as identified by UDWR include, fish such as the Utah sucker, channel catfish, bullhead catfish, panfish including bluegill and crappie, and large-mouth bass; birds, including the Avocet, Stilt, Caspian Tern, Plover, and Long-billed Curlew. This project lies within a wetland/lake conservation focus area as determined by the Central Region UPCD team.
Fire / Fuels:
Lakeside developments are springing up around a majority of the north half of Utah Lake along with municipal infrastructure to support the growth. As phragmites invades the shoreline, it creates a substantial fuel load and hazard not only to the lakeshore ecosystem, but also to residential neighborhoods, golf courses, parks, campgrounds, commercial structures and associated infrastructure that all border the lake. A lawsuit between Saratoga Springs and the Utah Division of Forestry Fire and State Lands highlighted the reality of this fire risk after which the State was ordered to create fire barriers by removing the phragmites vegetation. Our multi-year project reduces the fuel loading around the lake and prevents the risk of Catastrophic Fires. Reducing the fuels along the shoreline also prevents the negative impacts of large fires to the Air quality along the Wasatch Front which is uniquely susceptible to poor air quality.
Water Quality/Quantity:
Treating and removing Phragmites allows native riparian, emergent and littoral wetland vegetation to reestablish, this creates positive impacts to both the water quality and water quantity in Utah Lake. According to Utah's Division of Water Quality, replacing Phragmites with other native species provides better uptake of nutrient pollution by native vegetation species; a reduction in nutrient concentrations has a direct correlation to algal bloom reductions. Removal efforts of Phragmites also creates a more complex riparian root system that provides better habitat for juvenile fish and other species. This assertion is confirmed by a local study: (http://etgreatsaltlake.weebly.com/), which asserts that Phragmites consumes more than double the water to that of native wetland vegetation. The restoration of native vegetation around the lake has the potential to save an estimated 15k Acre/feet of water annually according to the study which estimated that the 25,000 acres of Phragmites found on the Great Salt Lake was consuming just over 71K acre/feet annually. There are 9,914 acres of mapped phragmites on Utah Lake. Utah Lake is a priority on the current Utah County Resource Assessment Plan created in 2013. It points out that the lake provides water not only to its county residents but also to Salt Lake and Davis Counties. As the third largest freshwater lake in the western United States, Utah Lake contains ~902,400 acre feet of water when full. As such, it is a very important part of the watershed both in quantity and for its quality.
This type of treatment does not require archeological surveys or cultural surveys. However, DWR's Archeologist has an opportunity to review the project area to provide comments on general areas to avoid during the smashing phase of the treatment.
Initial treatment period: 1. A contracted helicopter will be used to treat the project area with Glyphosate in late summer. 2. Remove and treat stumps with Glyphosate of tamarisk and Russian olive from strategic areas in the Fall/Winter. 3. Utah County crews will smash as much of the biomass as possible in the treated area during the winter. Subsequent years -- 1. A contracted helicopter or County Marsh Master will be used to treat the project area with Glyphosate in late summer. 2. Tree stumps of tamarisk and Russian olive will be retreated with Glyphosate in summer. 3. Regrowth will be smashed or mowed mechanically during the winter. 4. Continual monitoring of regrowth and treatment as needed will be done during the year. 5. Continual maintenance will occur and Spot treatment of any regrowth along the shoreline will continue. 4. Revegetation of strategic areas are considered based on the public use, need, and expected success rate of the project.
Utah County Public Works Department (weed program) will monitor the effectiveness of spraying efforts on phragmites and conduct follow-up treatments as necessary. Photopoints will be established to document pre- and post-treatment implementation activities and compared each year to determine the effectiveness of the treatment. UDAF has established 23 line transects; 14 treatment transects, 6 references and 3 control monitoring points to get a better idea of the restorative change over time on the project. These are monitored and recorded annually. These reports are available if WRI wishes to collect these data. Each year the Lake Commission captures images of the entire shoreline of the lake to document the work completed and review year to year progress for monitoring purposes. Starting in 2015, we have incorporated the use of Drone technology to further document regrowth and smashing activities. This helps better monitor and identify needed retreatment areas. With successful remote sensing of shoreline vegetation in the FY2022 treatment year, we plan to acquire a drone that will have the capability of mapping progress along the entire shoreline and through ESRI or DJI services producing complete georeferenced treatment maps for all future treatments.
Who are the partners: The Utah Lake Commission partners with the Watershed Restoration Initiative, Utah County, Utah Department of Agriculture and Food -- ISM, Central Utah Water Conservancy District Utah Division of Forestry Fire and State Lands, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, and 387 individually owned parcel owners. How the partnerships function: All 387 individually owned parcel owners have engaged with ULC staff and sign an agreement to partner and agree to treatments and/or access on or through their property. The Utah Lake Shoreline restoration project has also established partnerships with State, County and local governments to complete annual projects on the shoreline so that as many encroached areas as possible can be treated. The Utah Lake Commission made up of 17 municipal governments, the County and 4-state agencies, is the project lead and grant applicant. The Commission contributes staff time and funding towards the project. Utah County manages the full-time and grant funded staff who carry out the physical aspects of the project, it also provides in-kind labor, equipment and complete all equipment maintenance. Utah's Department of Agriculture provides a major source of funding for the project through its Invasive Species Mitigation program. The Central Utah Water Conservancy District provides in-kind funding for equipment. Utah Division of Forestry Fire and State Lands provides project funding as well as permitting for lakeshore access. The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources provides habitat feedback and information on best practices for making these projects successful as well as being a WRI application partner during the planning phase of the upcoming projects. Some land owners agree to conduct the treatments themselves or graze the phragmites independent of this effort. Reminder communications are sent out by ULC staff during the treatments to all landowners as well.
Future Management:
The Utah Lake Commission, comprised of 17 cities, Utah County, UDNR, UDWQ, CUWCD, has a long term vested interest, regardless of land ownership, in maintaining the shorelines of Utah Lake and has identified this as a priority in the Utah Lake Master Plan. As the owner of the lake bed, the Utah Division of Forestry Fire and State Lands is also dedicated to long term lake management. As described in the methods section, our long-term plan includes monitoring and managing the treated areas into the future to ensure the shoreline remains clear of phragmites. Remote sensing will allow for precise retreatments and allow native vegetation growth to become better established.
Sustainable Uses of Natural Resources:
Many areas along the shoreline of Utah Lake are used to graze livestock, as phragmites is cleared, livestock production increases with the additional acreage created by the open space where native grasses and plants reestablish. The FY2021 and this application included an allotment for the installation of fencing to allow for contained and sustainable livestock grazing. A 2021 State appropriation funded $850k of additional fencing to allow for expanded grazing in the same area. The grazing plan is being developed at this time and should be completed in 2022. It is expected that large sections of the lakeshore could be grazed; potentially a few thousand acres in the less developed areas along the shoreline. At least a few ranchers with property along the lake have expressed how grateful they are for treatments that have opened up land again for the livestock. This last year an area near the Powell Slough was created as a pilot project for grazing along the shoreline. The pilot demonstrated great successful. The larger project is close to 1000 acres within the Powell Slough area that is intended to be managed with grazing long term. After a discussion with the Utah County Commission two years ago, it was determined that the Powell Slough / Walkara Way could be used as an emergency grass bank for cattle or horses in the future as it is fenced into sections. This would allow for quick response to fires and other emergency relocations if or when needed. In addition to cattle grazing, there is a substantial population of mule deer through the area that benefit from the restored habitat and available vegetation. Historically the Phragmites prevented much of the access and reduced the available grasses and forbs.
Budget WRI/DWR Other Budget Total In-Kind Grand Total
$312,386.90 $355,796.56 $668,183.46 $47,372.96 $715,556.42
Item Description WRI Other In-Kind Year
Equipment Purchase Marsh Master and Spray System $0.00 $206,567.96 $0.00 2023
Materials and Supplies Herbicide; Glyphosate, R-11, Surfactant for treatment of Phragmites and other invasive vegetation and trees $9,851.00 $2,588.00 $0.00 2023
Equipment Purchase Repairs/equipment maintenance on Marsh Master Machines, Skidsteer Rental Costs, U.A.V Mapping / Precision Application $43,268.00 $15,768.00 $0.00 2023
Personal Services (seasonal employee) Labor for Aerial Application, hand treatments of Purple Loosestrife and Phragmites, seeding, removal of other invasives, labor for smashing phragmites (Phase II of treatment). $149,307.00 $66,445.00 $0.00 2023
Other Aministration $26,307.90 $11,202.60 $0.00 2023
Personal Services (permanent employee) $0.00 $0.00 $12,253.96 2023
Equipment and/or Seed Transport County In-kind contribution of equipment use $0.00 $0.00 $35,119.00 2023
Contractual Services Aerial Application Contract $54,975.00 $29,025.00 $0.00 2023
Materials and Supplies Chainsaw Supplies, protective gear for field techs, PPE, Fuel $5,678.00 $3,200.00 $0.00 2023
Materials and Supplies Utah Lake Commission funding towards shoreline restoration $0.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 2023
Materials and Supplies Utah FFSL Contribution to the shoreline project $0.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 2023
Seed (GBRC) Seed for areas where phragmites has been removed and there is need to restore desired vegetation. $23,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 2023
Funding WRI/DWR Other Funding Total In-Kind Grand Total
$312,386.90 $355,796.56 $668,183.46 $47,372.96 $715,556.42
Source Phase Description Amount Other In-Kind Year
Utah Lake Commission $5000 towards UAV technology for monitoring and treating $1000 towards materials and supplies $0.00 $6,000.00 $0.00 2023
Utah County $0.00 $0.00 $47,372.96 2023
Utah Division of Forestry, Fire & State Lands (FFSL) $0.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 2023
Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF) $0.00 $123,228.60 $0.00 2023
DNR Watershed U004 $222,386.90 $0.00 $0.00 2023
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) A130 -RF $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 2023
Habitat Council Account QHCR $80,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 2023
Utah Lake Authority $0.00 $19,051.92 $0.00 2023
Utah Lake Commission $0.00 $187,516.04 $0.00 2023
Species "N" Rank HIG/F Rank
Bald Eagle N5
Threat Impact
Invasive Plant Species – Non-native Low
Black Bullhead R5
Threat Impact
Not Listed NA
Bluegill R3
Threat Impact
Droughts Very High
Bluegill R3
Threat Impact
Problematic Plant Species – Native Wetland Low
Channel Catfish R4
Threat Impact
Not Listed NA
June Sucker N1
Threat Impact
Droughts High
June Sucker N1
Threat Impact
Invasive Plant Species – Non-native Low
June Sucker N1
Threat Impact
Invasive Wildlife Species - Non-native High
Ring-necked Pheasant R3
Threat Impact
Invasive Plant Species – Non-native Medium
Snowy Plover N3
Threat Impact
Invasive Plant Species – Non-native Medium
Wading Birds
Threat Impact
Not Listed NA
Threat Impact
Not Listed NA
American Coot R5
Threat Impact
Not Listed NA
Canada Goose R1
Threat Impact
Invasive Plant Species – Non-native High
Mallard R1
Threat Impact
Invasive Plant Species – Non-native High
Monarch butterfly N3
Threat Impact
Droughts High
Threat Impact
Droughts High
Threat Impact
Invasive Plant Species – Non-native Medium
Open Water
Threat Impact
Agricultural / Municipal / Industrial Water Usage Very High
Open Water
Threat Impact
Droughts High
Open Water
Threat Impact
Invasive Plant Species – Non-native Medium
Open Water
Threat Impact
Stormwater Runoff Low
Project Comments
Comment 01/20/2022 Type: 1 Commenter: Sarah Seegert
Phragmites control is and will continue to be important for the Utah Lake ecosystem, including June Sucker and other fish species. This will continue to be important as the Provo River Delta Restoration Project reaches comlpetion as well.
Comment 01/21/2022 Type: 1 Commenter: N/A
Thanks Sarah, we would like to work more closely with the PRDRP as it gets closer to completion to be sure it is part of the overall invasive species management plan on the lake. I know the program has targeted treatments for now, but know we are mindful of the project and always happy to lend a hand with Phragmites as needed.
Comment 01/21/2022 Type: 1 Commenter: Mindy Wheeler
The shores and wetlands of Utah Lake are a hot spot for monarch butterfly breeding in the state. Continuing phragmites control is of utmost importance to allow both natural recovery of the lake's wetland complexes, but also allow for assisted recovery. Going forward, the combination of the monarch butterfly now being a state SGCN and the new UDAF pollinator bill, there should be more appropriate pollinator plants and seed for pollinator habitat restoration around Utah Lake (many of our seed collection spots are around Utah Lake).
Comment 01/21/2022 Type: 1 Commenter: N/A
Mindy, thank you for the input. This last year our pilot site in the Walkara Way project that was grazed responded amazingly with native vegetation returning in areas that had been dominantly filled with Phragmites. We had a number of large areas come back with milkweed and we observed Monarch Butterfly's taking advantage of the enhanced habitat. It's rewarding to see the positive results of these efforts. I'll be sure to work with the DWR Habitat Biologist to be sure our pro-active seeding areas include pollinator plants in the seed mixes.
Comment 08/30/2023 Type: 2 Commenter: Daniel Eddington
Thank you for submitting your completion form on time. I have moved this project to completed.
Start Date:
End Date:
FY Implemented:
Final Methods:
This years shoreline restoration of Utah Lake included tree and brush removal using a skid steer mounted forestry disk as well as a chopper mower for removing tamarisk stands. Broadcast seeding from the Marsh Master was conducted. Phase I herbicide treatment took place in large part using aerial helicopter application of aquatic label glyphosate mixed with non-ionic surfactant. Additional broadcast treatments were conducted using the boomless sprayers mounted on the Marsh Master Machines in areas not feasible for aerial treatments. Phase II treatment of Phragmites was conducted using bother roller choppers and cutter mowers.
Project Narrative:
64.5 acres of invasive trees and tamarisk were removed this year. In areas where Phragmites regrowth was limited, seeding was broadcast onto 136.18 acres. The entire shoreline was evaluated for Phragmites regrowth and 3,828.48 acres needed and received an herbicide treatment. As the lake filled some of the stands of dead Phragmites laid down thanks to the higher lake levels and ice action. Still, the Marsh Masters made a pass around the lake with roller choppers and cutter mowers and completed phase II smashing/mowing treatment on 1,241.33 acres of the shoreline.
Future Management:
The plan is to continue Phase I and Phase II treatments where invasive vegetation is found on an annual basis. As we see areas free of invasive vegetation emerging the hope is that existing native seeds in the seedbank can begin to backfill these areas. When natives do not naturally return, a mix of upland/wetland seeds are broadcast to increase the likelihood of successful restoration. The ULA Conservation Biologist is leading an effort to acquire and plant a desirable diversity of wetland and emergent sedges, forbes and reeds. The ULA is working with DNR's Native Plant specialist and received the maximum grant of 10-pollinator packs which will be installed in and around the Provo River Delta this fall. 200-300 native and desirable trees are being ordered now and will be planted during the FY2024 sping/summer.
Map Features
ID Feature Category Action Treatement/Type
12836 Terrestrial Treatment Area Seeding (primary) Ground (mechanical application)
12836 Terrestrial Treatment Area Skid-steer mounted tree cutter Hydraulic brush saw
12837 Terrestrial Treatment Area Mowing Other
12837 Terrestrial Treatment Area Roller chopper 1-way
12838 Terrestrial Treatment Area Skid-steer mounted tree cutter Hydraulic brush saw
12839 Terrestrial Treatment Area Mowing Other
12840 Terrestrial Treatment Area Mowing Other
12840 Terrestrial Treatment Area Roller chopper 1-way
12840 Terrestrial Treatment Area Seeding (primary) Ground (mechanical application)
12841 Terrestrial Treatment Area Herbicide application Aerial (helicopter)
12841 Terrestrial Treatment Area Herbicide application Ground
12841 Terrestrial Treatment Area Seeding (primary) Ground (mechanical application)
12842 Terrestrial Treatment Area Seeding (primary) Ground (mechanical application)
12843 Terrestrial Treatment Area Herbicide application Aerial (helicopter)
12843 Terrestrial Treatment Area Herbicide application Spot treatment
12843 Terrestrial Treatment Area Mowing Other
12843 Terrestrial Treatment Area Roller chopper 1-way
12844 Terrestrial Treatment Area Mowing Other
12844 Terrestrial Treatment Area Roller chopper 1-way
12845 Terrestrial Treatment Area Herbicide application Aerial (helicopter)
12845 Terrestrial Treatment Area Herbicide application Spot treatment
12933 Terrestrial Treatment Area Herbicide application Aerial (helicopter)
12933 Terrestrial Treatment Area Herbicide application Spot treatment
12933 Terrestrial Treatment Area Skid-steer mounted tree cutter Hydraulic brush saw
12934 Terrestrial Treatment Area Herbicide application Aerial (helicopter)
12934 Terrestrial Treatment Area Herbicide application Spot treatment
12934 Terrestrial Treatment Area Mowing Other
12934 Terrestrial Treatment Area Roller chopper 1-way
12934 Terrestrial Treatment Area Skid-steer mounted tree cutter Hydraulic brush saw
12935 Terrestrial Treatment Area Herbicide application Aerial (helicopter)
12935 Terrestrial Treatment Area Seeding (primary) Ground (mechanical application)
12935 Terrestrial Treatment Area Skid-steer mounted tree cutter Hydraulic brush saw
12936 Terrestrial Treatment Area Mowing Other
12936 Terrestrial Treatment Area Roller chopper 1-way
12936 Terrestrial Treatment Area Seeding (primary) Ground (mechanical application)
12936 Terrestrial Treatment Area Skid-steer mounted tree cutter Hydraulic brush saw
12937 Terrestrial Treatment Area Herbicide application Aerial (helicopter)
12937 Terrestrial Treatment Area Herbicide application Spot treatment
12937 Terrestrial Treatment Area Mowing Other
12937 Terrestrial Treatment Area Roller chopper 1-way
12937 Terrestrial Treatment Area Seeding (primary) Ground (mechanical application)
12937 Terrestrial Treatment Area Skid-steer mounted tree cutter Hydraulic brush saw
Project Map
Project Map