Project Need
Need For Project:
Last year we were able to replace the South and West Side fences at the Pahvant and this year we hope to replace 1 mile of the north boundary fence and install some good walk throughs for hunters. The fence is in rough shape and is possibly the oldest section of fence in the region while at the same time gets significant pressure from hunters accessing the WMA from the county road. Replacement of fence will significantly reduce maintenance needs and installation of walk throughs will direct hunters where to go through and thereby reduce damage to fence.
Replace 1 mile of fence in order to control livestock trespass and better facilitate hunter access to the property through installation of 2 walk throughs.
Project Location/Timing Justification (Why Here? Why Now?):
Fence is in rough shape and without the significant annual maintenance efforts would fail and put the WMA at risk to livestock trespass and potential damage to trees, shrubs, and wheat fields that have taken years to get established.
Relation To Management Plan:
Wildlife Management Area plans call for securing and identifying boundaries. Management at Pahvant also greatly supports multiple goals and Objectives in the UDWR Strategic Plan including: The agency goal to improve the image of the agency - this is accomplished with up to date infrastructure and well defined boundaries. The resource goals to protect and improve wildlife habitat, increasing wildlife populations, and expanding hunting opportunities.
Fire / Fuels:
There is always a risk that the property will be damaged by wildfire. Much of the adjacent properties are covered in annual rye which can be extremely flammable, especially in drought conditions. Proper vegetation management which is helped through good fencing can greatly reduce the risk of wildfire on the property.
Water Quality/Quantity:
The Pahvant WMA also has an extensive tree and shrub row watering system and the boundary fencing is important to protect this irrigation infrastucture.
Will work with archaelogist to complete any necessary surveys which are unlikely because the action is re-construction.
UDWR will contract with a private contractor to provide the labor and materials to install up to 1 mile of fence including the 2 new walk through's, including removal and disposal of existing fence.
Fence is monitored at least annually and repairs are completed as the need is identified.
This project is a cooperative project within the Wildlife and Habitat Sections at UDWR and its completion will involve staff from each section.
Future Management:
Management of future livestock trespass will be greatly simplified by this project and be conducted on an as needed basis.
Sustainable Uses of Natural Resources:
The Pahvant WMA is a highly utilized WMA by both hunters and wildlife viewers.