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Utah's Watershed Restoration Initiative
Utah's Watershed Restoration Initiative
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FY20 Bighorn Sheep Captures
Region: Statewide
ID: 5030
Project Status: Completed
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Fiscal Year Completed
Final Methods
Funds from this WRI project were used at least in part to perform the following bighorn captures. 1 Willow Creek, 2 Jack Creek, 1 Nine Mile, 2 Avintaquin, 17 North San Rafael, 15 South San Rafael, 15 Potash, 15 Oak Creek, 51 Mineral Mountains, 25 Stansbury Mountains helo, 25 Antelope Island State Park. This included 101 bighorns being translocated into Utah from other states. All of these animals received iridium GPS collars. Nearly all were tested for a comprehensive health profile.
Project Narrative
The legacy of recovering bighorn sheep in Utah using translocation projects has been very fruitful, and this past year was an historic success by all measures. In addition to capturing 68 bighorns in Utah for health sampling, we successfully translocated 101 bighorns from other states into Utah. This is the most bighorn sheep that the UDWR has ever translocated into Utah during a single year, more than we've translocated into Utah in the past five years combined, and more bighorns translocated across state lines than all the rest of the western states combined in the past year. Two of the most notable translocations were the reintroduction of bighorns onto the Mineral Mountains and Antelope Island. Fifty-one desert bighorns were translocated from the Stillwater Range in Nevada to begin a new herd on the Mineral Mountains where they have been absent for decades. Twenty-five Rocky Mountain bighorns were translocated from Rocky Boy's Reservation in Montana to reestablish a healthy nursery herd on Antelope Island. These two reintroduced herds will not only provide memorable opportunities to view and hunt bighorns, but also produce many bighorns that will be translocated to augment other herds or establish new herds in Utah for years into the future. We hope that countless once-in-a-lifetime hunting experiences will result from the success of the bighorn sheep captures performed this past year.
Future Management
We will continue to monitor the performance of the collared bighorn sheep that were captured as part of this WRI project. We will use the results of the disease sampling to make management actions ensuring healthy bighorns in Utah. We will pursue augmenting both the Mineral Mountain herd and the Antelope Island herd with a FY21 WRI project.
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Submitted Time
08/31/2020 16:46:38
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Project Summary Report