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Utah's Watershed Restoration Initiative
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Weber River Watershed Restoration and Forest Resilience - FY23
Region: Northern
ID: 5910
Project Status: Completed
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Fiscal Year Completed
Final Methods
1. Sageland Collaborative's role in the WRI grant (5910, Weber Watershed Resilience FY23) Design & Permit LTPBR projects on 2 reaches (Fish creek Phase 5, Branch Creek Phase 2), procure contractors to install posts, volunteers to build BDAs, purchase posts, monitoring both sites before & after implementation 2. Trout Unlimited role in this WRI grant was to design, permit, construct, and monitor fish passage, diversions, bank stabilization and BDA structures along the Weber River and Fish Creek 3. Summit County BDO zone analysis, review and stakeholder group 4. Forestry Fire and State lands did not complete their portion
Project Narrative
TU: BDAs were installed on Fish Creek and planning and compliance processes for BDAs were completed for BDA installations of Fish, Branch, and Cottons South creeks. For these projects, other funding sources require a NEPA process, which has thus far culminated in a categorical exclusion for Branch and Cottons South creeks. Additionally, posts were purchased for Cottons Creek and Branch Creek and BDAs were installed in August-September 2023. Grade-control structures were installed at Blackner's Bend. These structures ensure that side channels are activated during high flows and were used during the above-average spring flows of 2023. The activated side channels functioned as intended and added approximately 0.8 miles of side channel habitat during the spring. Design for Ogden Business Exchange barrier removal was initiated. This project will provide fish passage, improve safety for recreational use in the area, and improve aquatic-organism habitat. Furthermore, just upstream of this area, design for a recreational access at Serge Simmons has begun. Conceptual design for the Weber River Channel on the Morgan Ranch has been completed and engineering is underway. Conceptual design includes stabilization of the channel at three locations using root wads to improve habitat. Additionally, habitat for fishes including Green Sucker will be improved as part of this project by stabilizing an overflow channel that provides backwater habitat. Implementation of this project is expected to occur in phases. Final design and permitting for Dinsdale Diversion were completed with implementation scheduled for the fall of 2024. During FY23, a NEPA process that culminated with a categorical exclusion was undertaken. After high flows, it was determined that additional survey data should be collected. The engineering for the Tom Boyer Diversion modernization was completed and permitting is underway. Construction is expected to occur this fall/winter (2023) and will include a roughened boulder ramp to allow fish passage, a flow meter system to monitor irrigation consumption, and piping of the fish-screen return flow to prevent entrainment. Design of Wilson Canal fish passage is beyond 60% design; however, we have been unable to obtain adequate construction funds. Therefore, the project will continue once funds have been obtained. Design and construction of the Fish Creek Livestock Water System has been put on hold. Sageland Collaborative: Objective: Design & Permit LTPBR projects on 2 reaches, procure contractors to install posts, volunteers to build BDAs, purchase posts, monitoring both sites before & after implementation Outcomes: During FY23, we successfully designed and acquired permits for beaver dam analogs in two streams in the Chalk Creek watershed- Fish Creek Phase 4 and Branch Creek Phase 2. We successfully implemented 40 BDAs in Fish Creek. Due to delays in permitting associated with matching federal funds the second site (Branch Creek Phase BDAs) were delayed, but currently slated for implementation this fall (October, 2023). We completed pre-restoration Rapid Stream-Riparian Assessment (RSRA) surveys at both sites during FY23, and post-restoration surveys on Phases 1-3 of Fish Creek restoration. I've attached a report detailing cumulative monitoring results in Fish Creek & Branch Creek. Summit County: Completed BDO zone analysis (see attached)
Future Management
TU: Future work will include monitoring of installed BDAs and monitoring/installation of planned BDAs. Blackner's Bend will be fully evaluated to determine if grade control structures continue to function as intended. Additionally, monitoring and installation of the Tom Boyer diversion and Dinsdale Diversion will occur. Sageland Collaborative: Successful agency and NGO partnerships with private landowners has led to a number of exciting future management opportunities & activities. One highlight is the reintroduction of beaver to Fish Creek in July, 2022. Sageland Collaborative & other partners continue to work with landowners to monitor the status of beaver in the creek, and potential conflicts with infrastructure. This project as past phases of WRI funding for Weber River headwaters set the stage for two multi-year federal grants to continue working communities in the Weber River headwaters to implement, manage, and monitor restoration projects in Chalk Creek, Echo Canyon, headwaters to Rockport Reservoir, and Smith & Morehouse Reservoir. Those projects are underway, and funds are supporting additional monitoring of these & other sites. We successfully applied for additional funding through WRI to support matching these grants in FY24 and were awarded a grant from Utah's nonpoint source management program to host two more workshops related to riverscape restoration in both the Weber headwaters and main stem of the Weber River in Ogden.
Submitted By
Jessica Kirby
Submitted Time
09/09/2024 09:37:45
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Project Summary Report