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Utah's Watershed Restoration Initiative
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Weber River Watershed Restoration and Forest Resilience - FY24
Region: Northern
ID: 6545
Project Status: Completed
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Fiscal Year Completed
Final Methods
Sageland: Riparian habitat projects were completed following low-tech, process-based restoration methods. We built beaver dam analogs (BDAs) using hand tools. Untreated wood fence posts were driven into the streambed 12-24" apart, and used to anchor fill material (native vegetation, rocks, mud) to mimic beaver activity. BDAs were space 10-30m apart and built by volunteers, project partners, and contractors. We monitored each site once prior to building BDAs and annually after using the Rapid Stream-Riparian Assessment Protocol (Stacy et al. 2013). Monitoring summary reports are attached to this project. Drone surveys were conducted at Rees and Brown Creeks once prior and once 1y after installing BDAs to assess geomorphic change and sediment accumulation. Ogden NC: A total of four BDAs were constructed along the Plain City Canal with the help of YMCA volunteers in the fall of 2024. These were constructed by weaving with willow stakes around drilled grading stakes, secured with mud and rock. Wildlife cameras were installed at each BDA to inventory species in the areas and number of visits. The project area was also revegetated with wetland seed, upland seed, and riparian plugs. Summit County: Managed and procured contracts with partners, provided match dollars. On the ground project management, held ongoing coordination meetings TU: Riparian habitat projects were completed following low-tech, process-based restoration methods. Trout Unlimited procured posts, procured and managed contractors, and assisted with training and managing volunteers at Cottons and Branch creeks. Untreated wood posts were driven into the streambed 12--24" apart and used to anchor natural fill material to mimic beaver activity. At Branch Creek Trout Unlimited organized delivery and staging of fill material from nearby, which greatly enhanced efficiency because Branch Creek is a highly degraded drainage with very little stream-side vegetation. BDAs were space 10-30 meters apart and built by staff, volunteers, and project partners. At Cottons and Branch creeks, TU collected NADIR drone imagery, which was used to develop orthomosaics and digital elevation models. These products will facilitate future comparisons, and additional imagery will be collected over the next few years. Efforts at Riverdale Bench and Stoddard diversions included engineering and design work. Riverdale Bench design has been completed; however, we have worked with the engineering team to develop phases that will allow cost to be broken up over more than one fiscal year. This is because the cost of the project as one phase has limited our ability to move forward. At Stoddard Diversion, we held two initial meetings with Weber Basin Water Conservancy District to brainstorm possible solutions and vet ideas. We then met on site with five engineering firms and invited them to produce proposals including cost estimates and initial conceptual design. From the proposals received, we selected an engineering firm and have begun official engineering and design efforts. Unfortunately, we were unable to use the WRI line item for Stoddard Design as most design costs are expected to occur after fiscal year 2024. Nonetheless, we will be able to move forward on this project and will seek funds for final design and implementation in fiscal years 2025 and 2026. At Blackner's Bend, we finalized design plans for moving the current levee back, which will open the floodplain and allow the trail to be placed outside of riparian habitat on the setback levee. Then, we began procuring materials including boulder for the levee footing, which involved contacting several local rock suppliers and purchasing over 900 Tons of boulder. Contactor procurement efforts are now underway, and the levee setback construction will take place this fall.
Project Narrative
Sageland: Riparian restoration: During FY24, Sageland Collaborative, Trout Unlimited & other partners completed the design, monitoring, and implementation of 194 BDAs across five streams in the Weber Headwaters (# structures): Brown Creek Phase 1 (21), Rees Creek phase 1 (50), Cottons Creek (53), Red Pine Creek (35), Branch Creek Phase 2 (35). Sageland Collaborative organized 13 volunteer events, during which 60 volunteers contributed 500 hours of in-kind labor for the project. One proposed project was delayed by one year (Fish Creek Phase 5, 40 BDAs) due to potential habitat for Ute Ladies' Tresses. This project is slated for completion in FY25. ONC: This project aimed to demonstrate beaver/human coexistence in urban settings and improve riparian habitat at the Ogden Nature Center. We successfully constructed four BDAs, inventoried wildlife species and visit frequency along the canals, and installed non-lethal beaver deceivers in flood-prone spots. We also educated the public about the benefits of beavers and threats watersheds face by constructing two educational panels to be displayed along our trails and passing out project stickers. Volunteers that assisted on this project were also informed about how their work impacts the greater goal to restore habitat through Utah watersheds. Summit County: Provided administrative and project management support to partners TU: Trout Unlimited worked to complete PBR at Branch and Cottons creeks as described above. Other Trout Unlimited projects included efforts to rebuild Riverdale Bench Irrigation Diversion into an aquatic-organism-friendly structure and to engineer and design for aquatic-organism passage at Stoddard Diversion. At Riverdale Bench construction could not be implemented due to an inability to get adequate funding contracted in time for construction efforts to take place. At Stoddard Diversion Dam, Trout Unlimited and DWR worked with Weber Basin Water Conservancy District to vet possible solutions, procure an engineering firm, and establish a conceptual design. The procured engineering firm is currently working on a formal design; however, the allocated WRI funds were not used for this because the majority of engineering costs are going to occur after funds have expired. Fortunately, we are still moving engineering and design efforts forward and will begin procuring funds for final design and implementation over fiscal years 2025 and 2026. The Riverdale Bench and Stoddard Diversions are two of the largest aquatic-organism passage barriers in the Weber River Basin. Improving passage at these diversions will be consequential in efforts to improve recruitment of the imperiled Green Sucker and the state fish -- the Bonneville Cutthroat Trout. Blackner's Bend, just upstream of Riverdale Bench Diversion, has had prior efforts completed to enhance Green Sucker recruitment. During the fiscal year 2024, we have continued efforts to improve Blackner's Bend including efforts towards completing a levee setback, which we have secured materials for and are in the process of procuring a contractor to implement. Meanwhile, the headwaters restoration efforts including Branch Creek and Cottons Creek PBR have already began trapping sediment, improving hyporheic exchange, and enhancing downstream water quality.
Future Management
Sageland: Riparian restoration: Future management plans for the riparian restoration projects includes annual monitoring for several years following implementation, and continued communication with landowners about suitable next-steps to achieve desired restoration outcomes. Additional BDAs, grazing management, fish passage work, wildlife-friendly fencing, and riparian plantings are all considerations for follow-up actions depending on the site. Several partners on this WRI grant are co-organizing a workshop at G&E Ranch in September 2024 to showcase the ongoing restoration work & share lessons learned. ONC: Future management includes continuing public education about the project at our property, expanding our efforts to monitor wildlife through cameras, and remaining an example of how institutions can coexist with beavers by mitigating any potential flooding risks. Trout Unlimited plans to continue monitoring BDAs at Cottons and Branch Creeks. Additionally, management actions such as riparian plantings and exclusion fencing are being considered as future projects. Additional BDAs at both creeks are already planned and funded for 2024 and 2025. Aquatic-organism passage, at Riverdale Bench and Stoddard diversions, is believed to be a limiting factor regarding recruitment of the imperiled Green Sucker. Additionally, ability to access suitable habitat for aquatic species in the Weber River is affected. Suitable habitat may include thermal refugia for temperature-sensitive species or habitat related to life-history requirements such as access to tributaries for fluvial Bonneville Cutthroat Trout or backwaters for Green Sucker rearing. For these reasons, removing these obstacles to aquatic organisms is a major priority in the Weber Basin and Trout Unlimited will continue to work with DWR and other stakeholders to implement these projects.
Submitted By
Jessica Kirby
Submitted Time
09/10/2024 13:34:20
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Project Summary Report