Choose a name that is unique to the project.
If it is a multi-year project, identify the year (1, 2, etc.), fiscal year (FY17, FY18, etc.), or phase (1, 2, etc.).
Be as descriptive as possible, titles may include descriptive words that indicate; location, species benefiting, treatment technique , etc.
Don't use any abbreviations, symbols or non-descriptive terms such as, "project" or "Restoration" or "Enhancement" or "completion".
Don't include any landowner/citizens' first or last names.
A brief summary of the project.
Identify the output (e.g. Improve 500 acres of deer winter range by chaining and seeding a pinyon-juniper woodland),
not the expected outcome (e.g. Increase carrying capacity of deer winter range).
Provide general location information.
For example, "Five miles east of Sterling on the Manti-LaSal National Forest" or "A one-mile section of the East Fork Sevier River,
five miles downstream of Otter Creek Reservoir."
Select the fiscal year (FY) in which the project manager would like to implement the project.
The UWRI Fiscal year falls between July 1st and June 30th of the following year.
For example, fiscal year 2017 is July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017.
The administrative/funding program(s) in which your proposal fits best.
UWRI refers to Utah Watershed Restoration Initiative.
Habitat Council, External Conservation Permit, and Blue Ribbon Council (BRFAC) are Utah Division of Wildlife Resources sponsored programs.
If you are unsure of which program your proposal fits, and/or would like to be considered for any and all appropriate sources of funding,
select WRI.