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Utah's Watershed Restoration Initiative
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Goose Creek Fire Stream Restoration - Phase 2
Region: Northern
ID: 5301
Project Status: Completed
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Completion Form
Project Start Date
Project End Date
Fiscal Year Completed
Final Methods
2 miles of BDAs/PALS build in Straight Fork to prevent erosion and mitigate post fire run-off. Riparian exclosure was built to protect the stream from heavy livestock grazing and be a showcase of riparian recovery with grazing rest.
Project Narrative
A variety of low tech handbuilt structures, including beaver dam analogs and post assisted structures, were constructed along two miles of stream to mitigate post-fire run-off and sediment delivery. Burnt P/J trees were removed via hand cutting on SITLA lands and these materials were used to build the in-stream structures. These structures were built in fall of 2020. They were still holding up this spring and doing their job to catch sediment. The stream actually had a good amoung of water in it for being a drought year. A riparian exclosure was built approx (150 ft by 285 ft.) The exclosure was built with 4 strand barb wire. It was built sturdy with 10ft post spacing with a wooden dancer in-between each post. There is a let down gate that was built into the corner to let any livestock out that may get caught inside. The portions of fence along the creek were built to wash out if high flows come so that we just have to replace a short section instead of the whole exclosure. The lop and scatter of the burned PJ trees did not get completed due to the small size. The contractors doing the stream structures did use quite a few of the trees for their work.
Future Management
SITLA will continue to monitor the exclosure. We will check it multiple times a year and make sure that any maintenance is completed to keep it in working order. We are currently trying to work with BLM to change the grazing plan for the allotment to provide more rest to Straight Fork. We will apply for additional phases of BDA/PALs work if needed. The work that has been completed had worked well. The first phase was washed out in high flows but the second phase is holding strong and the stream is responding well to the structures. They are catching sediment and the riparian area is holding more water than previous drought years.
Submitted By
Ethan Hallows
Submitted Time
08/23/2021 13:54:40
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Project Summary Report